one of the best times, ever......

Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 5 months ago to Movies
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So here we are, home enjoying our cognac and shortbread, after seeing the very last AS3 showing, hopefully not the last ever in a theater. Yes, it was a little crazy, and I'm glad we went. It seems like we truly saw it start to finish, in a way.
It was somehow better than any other of the 10 times we'd seen it - and the late night snack here is better than at the 24/7 [for one thing, our liquor cabinet is never out of cognac]. Neither does the 24/7 have cats that curl up on your lap.
A hearty "to freedom!" to all who joined us in spirit, and yet another "thank you" to Atlas Productions.
As Scott says, particularly appropriate here:
I swear by my life,

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