Lockheed Martin: Fusion Power!
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago to Technology
Somewhere at Lockheed Martin there is a John Galt!
This could be a fantastic breakthrough and change the world!
This could be a fantastic breakthrough and change the world!
I think....well.....there might be some "new" physics involved here.....or a little over-zealousness by the author.
There have been many "JG's" involved in power generation of this type. I think one of the earliest was Aveco Everett with thier MHD project; not fusion, but the predecessor. I hope Lockheed will prevail where Aveco did not.
Indeed! The possibilities are endless. To be free from the utility companies... the constant whining from the anti fossil fuel crowd alone brings a smile to my face.
I hope they are successful. This could be as big, or bigger than splitting the atom was in the 20th century.
You could be Commander of an airship with unlimited power... a fleet of them!
sound like the chipmunks, not a zombie. -- j
Ok.....The propulsion for "engines" requires superexpansion of a "fuel". In the case of fusion power, water. An aircraft could not carry the mass required.
I'll settle for my sailing.....slow and easy....on my 150 foot yacht....with a CFR as a back-up! LOL!
8 engines consume 1280 gallons of water for two minutes during take-off. This increases thrust approximately 8%. Average jet fuel consumption for the same time is 110 gallons (8% of water consumption)
By weight, jet fuel is approx 80% of water.
The B-52 carries 48,000 gal. of fuel....it's payload is 70,000 max. The amount of water required to do the same job as combustible fuel, by weight, is approximately 15 1/2 to 1
This exceeds the weight of the fuel capacity and payload combined.
jcabello explained hydrogen fusion and it's by-product; helium. This source is used to produce heat. The heat is used to create steam. To date, we have used wood, coal, associated petroleum products and nuclear fission as a heat source to boil water....turn it to steam and direct the steam across a turbine or into a piston. I hope the above gives a, pardon the pun, "boilerplate" explanation of why the mass of "fuel" could not be carried.
My background for this is 4 years as a jet engine specialist in the USAF.
I guess maybe we could use this new ground based energy to produce laser power that an aircraft could receive and use to power it. Set up networks similar to the cellular networks that transmit the energy to aircraft as they need it. It's all way over my head today, but Rocketdyne was a job I really relished. I was so excited about going to the moon. Then we finally made it in 1969 while I was taking a tour in Vietnam. Rocketdyne offered me deferment but I would have had to relocate to Mississippi, I didn't..
This was after I was approached and asked: "Can you make it like this....just not broken?"
A couple of weeks later he called me and asked why I didn't show up for the interview he had set up for me. I told I got the job and was working at Santa Susana Test Lab. He was astounded, we laughed about it and had a beer over it the next weekend. He never knew I had the background. I had come out of a job selling electronics and the latest new invention called Stereo Hi-Fi. You could actually get stereo on your radio by tuning one radio to an AM station and one to an FM station prior to that. this new technology could broadcast stereo on FM station by adding this new box to your receiver. It was an exciting time, around 1962(?)
amounts of energy....... and the liquid sodium
reactor used liquid sodium as the cooling fluid
for a regular uranium reactor -- a friend at X10
worked on these. -- j
Now on the other hand, a CFR could conceivably replace a piston engine. And a CFR could definitely replace the Auxiliary Power Units most jet aircraft, and especially jet transports, carry. A modern APU is a miniature jet engine that provides no propulsion to speak of, but delivers electricity to power the aircraft's systems when the main engines are shut down. You have to start that engine before you can start any of the othere.
The big application of a CFR would be totally decentralized power generation. A property owner in an industrial district could clean up by supplying cheap, local power to his neighbors. An office park could run on a single one of those things. And imagine a vast apartment complex running on one.
I posted an answer to NealS above. You might find it interesting.
Cold Fussion never died, the press just tried to discredit it. Reaseach has never stopped and repeatable experiments have been verified at several major reasearch labs, all around the world. This has been going on for many years.
Very interesting. I can't help but think that technologies like this are being suppressed by big energy companies and political cronies... When the government needed a bomb they "threw caution to the wind" and if required would have spent us into bankruptcy to get it into use... The need at the time is a separate question. A power source like these could have inestimable benefit.
The "givernments", want us to believe they have our best interest at heart, but actually its their own interest. They crave power, and we give it them, without even thinking about the ultimate consequences of our actions, votes, etc... The most dangerious thing to us is our attempt to take power away from a government that has already grabed it.
Cold Fussion Times -- Many scientific studies and results (including MIT, Livermore, etc...)
It would be opposed like a fictional green metal that was much stronger and lighter than steel. MULTIPLY that opposition by a factor of 100.
I personally think this is more of a publicity stunt than the announcement of a currently viable technology.
Any technology this powerful would be immediately seized and sequestered by the government in the name of "national security".
Such a breakthrough would have to be of a type that could be inexpensively duplicated, and it would have to be released to the broad scientific community at large without advance gov't knowledge.
Watch the movie "Chain reaction" (1996) to get a feel for what I believe would have to happen.
If humanity can stop fighting with itself, this breakthrough can signal the end of the need for utility power and the need for conflict except by those who want another kind of power.
Exciting, yes, I've been waiting breathlessly for updates, but the initial announcement came out in Feb 2013.
Livermore, and to see the charts showing local
maxima when the fusion burst was being tracked;;;
since the skunk works built the sr-71, I wouldn't
put it past them to do exactly this. we need fusion
to tame some of the dictators on this planet. -- j
I know... I hope it actually comes to fruition. I also worry some existing big energy lobby may get in the way. Imagine how long they could keep this tied up with the help of some corrupt politicians.