My Kind of Woman

Posted by Lucky 10 years, 4 months ago to Culture
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Some do not like women in headscarves.
Well headscarves are part of my culture, my mother wore a headscarf in windy winter days, Queen Elizabeth II wore a headscarf for country horsy events.
Here is a great pic of a woman wearing a headscarf.

Warning to parents- link may not have blanked out gns.

Another you may like:

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 4 months ago
    is this also "your kind of woman"?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
      I like that. - I mean the link.
      What does it suggest? that women are subject to the same mental conditions as men, and can commit the same cruelties.

      H, in your other post you say, 'We evolved to be different physically'.
      Some truth in that. I wonder if the statistics over the past century show that height increase in women is faster than for men.
      first there was the sex role difference that arose from the particular and extensive needs of human child care. Technology has changed warfare. Before it was wielding a club, heavier and faster is good for that. Now aiming, pulling a trigger, calibrating artillery, piloting a plane require skills not limited to one sex. Personality characteristics of aggression belligerence and so on likewise.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
    An essay for H
    There are stories from WW-II from both our countries which you must know even if not around then. There was a strict draft, men were sucked out of the work force, but the economy still worked - women stepped in. They worked as always doing the dirty work and on farms but now in industry and factories - surely you saw Rosie the Riveter? Women drove trucks, piloted airliners and delivered the latest war planes. None of our troops refused beer, bacon, or biscuits because of being made, packed or delivered by women.
    The gal in that pic is doing the same. There is no information on the background to that pic, the gal may be preparing her own weapon to use, or servicing it for others. We can study her face and create fantasies to suit our own hopes and prejudices but the story is not known. I make my own story on that- I see beauty, character, sadness, care, skill, she and her side have my heartfelt support.
    That is the emotional case.
    As to logic, there is only one stance - equality in privilege and obligation,
    in more usual language, in both rights and responsibilities.

    As an aside, if sometimes I sound like a conservative religious moralist rather than objectivist, can't be helped.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 4 months ago
      "As to logic, there is only one stance - equality in privilege and obligation, "

      Men and women are not the same creature. We evolved to be different physically, mentally and emotionally to serve different roles in survival.

      An elephant is an object.
      A doughnut is an object.
      Therefor, an elephant is equal to a doughnut.
      Keep telling me this is just another case of "Rosie the Riveter".

      And shove that talk of a "strict draft" in WWII... there was a draft, but men lined up in droves to volunteer. It wasn't like Vietnam where most wouldn't have served had it not been for a draft.

      And "Rosie the Riveter" was totally unnecessary. We were producing for ourselves, for the Russians, English, Free-French... everybody. 60% of our war effort went to the Iraqi... I mean the European theater of the War on... I mean WWII. Had we focused on our real enemy, Al Qaeda in Afghani... I mean Japan in the Pacific theater, we wouldn't have had to put our women in factories. Hell, we produced so much that after the war we were drowning in "war surplus" equipment. Sure helped with that whole Obama econo... I mean FDR's Great Depression, though.

      Culturally, WWII was one of the worst things that ever happened to our country. Not only for putting women in factories (hell, we had women working in factories in the 19th century, only then it was "terrible exploitation"... go figger), but it first exposed us in a large way to Asian philosophies and European despotism. (Korea and Vietnam exacerbated the exposure). And left us vulnerable at home to political corruption.

      We were somewhat insulated in WWII, however, still being bigoted enough to believe American culture was inherently superior.

      Thanks for reminding me that objectivism embraces some of the same logical fallacies as progressivism.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 4 months ago
    My mother wore a headscarf at times, too... and I still don't like them.

    No, not my kind of woman at all.
    If a woman *has* to handle such firearms, the men of her society either let her down, aren't men, or are dead.

    If a woman wants to handle such firearms... she's probably a bit too butch for my taste.

    (What's wrong with liking feminine women anymore? It's like we murdered half the human species by turning them into pseudo-men for the sake of a false "equality"... ).

    Viewing the other replies, it's good to see that PC brainwashing is alive and well even here.
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