Cold Fusion aka. LENR

Posted by mccwho 10 years, 2 months ago to Science
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This is an interesting read from the current edition of , "Cold Fusion Times" (

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  • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
    Draw whatever conclusion you want. But realize that the whole stigma surrounding Cold Fusion was presented by the media and people that stand to lose Billions of dollars, if it is put into use.
    If it was not possible and there were no potential for it. Then perhaps someone should tell all of the PhD's they are wrong, also include Livermore, the Navy, and hundreds more labs that have indeed produced verifiable, repeatable results.
    I stand on facts not a dreamy sci-fi like future. So I only keep an open mind, with my Physics degree as my training to observe the results and read the research papers. You should not listen to the press or media types. If they had one ounce of intelligence in them they would have been working in another occupation.
    Do you own research like a Galt-ian should.

    PS: It was revealed a few years after the initial announcement, and when the media called it a fake, by other scientist that it indeed was not a fake. Do some research on your own, based on reason not emotion.
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