The Judge

Posted by Itheliving 10 years, 5 months ago to Movies
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The Judge / Rated R for language, kissing, throwing up and old people problems. Not pretty to watch.
It’s come time to judge The Judge. Then you can go out on your own and judge The Judge. Then you can judge my judgment of The Judge. If your judgment is different than my judgment you may insert the infamous sound of the raspberry at this point.
Oscar winner Robert Duval plays The Judge. He is semi-retired. He has 3 sons but did not star in the TV show My Three Son’s. The middle son is played by Robert Downey, Jr., a brilliant defense attorney who knows the law inside and out, reacts in court faster than The Flash and tosses out funny one liners both in and out of court. He and his dad, The Judge, haven’t seen each other for years. This is because of an event which occurred decades ago but can’t be discussed here without harming your experience in the theater. Everything I have revealed is in the previews.
Also in the previews is why RD is now back in sleepy town USA. His mom has passed away. He has come back for the funeral and to visit his older and younger brothers, left to live with the cranky old Judge. When RD gets home he makes the rounds of places he used to frequent and crosses paths with people who made up the soap opera of his young life. Subplots appear and what surprises are served up involve the current soap opera.
Also in the previews is the fact that The Judge has been arrested for murder/vehicular manslaughter for a car accident. It’s not long before RD becomes his attorney although they love/hate each other, yelling/crying is their form of communication. Soon the Prosecutor, Billy Bob Thornton, shows up to send The Judge to the big house to prove justice for all. Court room scenes then begin to dominate the true subject of this movie. More small town, family saga is interspersed as the truth emerges of what happened to The Judge.
While well cast and beautifully acted the storyline doesn’t fully support the 2 hour plus length of the film. The film becomes very performance driven to maintain its interest. There are several themes along the way but to even mention them specifically would give away too much. At least in my judgment. Member of the Newman family of film composer’s, Thomas, adds a terrific and emotional Americana score that brilliantly highlights the scenes whenever appropriate.
Filmed mostly in Massachusetts with a few scenes done in Jackson County, Indiana, the exteriors are part of the film’s mystique; the ideal small town America. I pass judgment. Go see The Judge.
Rated 3.5 out of 4.0 reasons that I the Jury by a vote of 1-0 have judged The Judge guilty of being pretty good .
If you are reading the print edition this is a lot to type but in my judgment well worth it. otherwise just click on it or cut and paste. Only runs 13 seconds…not 2+ hours.

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