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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 2 months ago
    "More freedom is what's needed". That said it all. Excellent article. The biggest problem,I believe, is the stubbornness of the Progressives in charge. They typically won't admit their ideas are flawed but that they need to do more of what they have been doing. I have little faith in the Fed the IMF and the EU.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
    I agree with the tenor of this article.

    I like the style with the clear summary followed by details.

    It's also very rare for people to make any criticism of loose monetary / fiscal policy without sounding bat$hit insane. The idea is valid, but most people get so fired up and hyperbolic that they sound crazy. This article makes cogent arguments why loose monetary/fiscal policy alone won't bring up to levels of growth, employment, and inflation we historically see in during expansions. It says we need more economic freedom.

    I agree with this. Even if growth, employment, and inflation increase, I say they could be even better with even more freedom.

    I like this article.
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