Public Health Emergency Declared In Connecticut Over Ebola: Civil Rights Suspended Indefinitely | Zero Hedge
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 4 months ago to News
??? Anyone living in CT, besides NMA? Be advised, creeping totalitarianism is coming for what's remaining of your liberties. That reminds me: If rights can be 'suspended', are they "rights" or OR are they PRIVILEGES? Deep Thoughts.
Crapping his pants over the upcoming election, he decides to play tough guy.
Their Game is obvious...
Their plans are Set...
to take a lit Match to the Constitution.
I always wondered what that punk Milhous was going to resort to.
1) To vote for whomever the elites choose.
2) To be patted down by the TSA
3) To have representation in Congress
4) To send our kids to non-Common Core public schools
5) To transmit anything electronically that doesn't end up in the NSA's databanks
A more dangerous thing has come to light though, obviously, the CDC and the American health system is absolutely not prepared to deal with an unexpected health emergency - such as a bioterrorism attack.
Last week... That corresponds to the Quinnipiac poll announcing that Malloy was now tied with his GOP challenger Foley. Malloy was down by more than 7 points, but Quinnipiac keeps polling until they get the poll results they want. Foley should have beat him last time, but the Democrat Machine was able to muster up enough voter fraud to hand Malloy a few hundred vote victory.
Perhaps you forget that liberty is not unlimited. You don't have the liberty to murder someone; neither with a weapon nor by infectious disease.
One person infected with Ebola can kill many people.
Reasonable precautions including isolation and quarantine falls under the duty of government to protect it's citizens.
The Connecticut decree is frightening because it has no objective standards, imposing only what a "Commissioner" claims to "reasonably believe". A quarantine against a deadly infectious disease is not a violation of rights, but who can trust them to not exploit it politically under the non-objective standards? We have a government refusal to deal with the threat where it is supposed to, instead turning against helpless innocent citizens once again in the name of an "emergency". The combination of the lack of trust in the government and the threat of the disease can be expected to lead to general panic exploited by the power seekers.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste when it can be exploited to advance the statist agenda".
Reasonable precautions including having the Border Patrol to DO THEIR JOBS without executive branch INTERFERENCE, and active DEPORTATION of those here illegally is much more EFFECTIVE than the ones you list.
In this case
Conflating = confusion.