Here we go... again
Posted by MattFranke 11 years, 3 months ago to News
Well, well. This has all the makings of another media blitz against guns. An "anti-government extremist" with a gun, taking the first shots at the TSA. The timing on this is simply impeccable , because it will help draw some attention away from all Barry's other problems. One more thing that they can have some political theatrics over. One more situation that, surely must lead us to believe that we need them to keep us safe. This has the potential to turn into a big mess. The "war on terror" was a bait-and-switch from the beginning . It is now the people who are the enemy. This will only lead to an expansion of the powers of Homeland inSecurity, which will only cause more back-lash, which will require larger government, for our protection of course.
Assuming that this isn't some sort of staged incident, this may be a very significant moment in the course of this countries future. Could those be the next shots heard around the world? Or is this guy just a wing-nut loon like they say? What do you think??
Assuming that this isn't some sort of staged incident, this may be a very significant moment in the course of this countries future. Could those be the next shots heard around the world? Or is this guy just a wing-nut loon like they say? What do you think??
"A former government employee shot people in a gun-free zone in a state with very restrictive gun laws. Damn libertarians!" - the media
I see the standard media as unwitting dupes using the vernacular they always use to push an agenda(gun control) which could result in expansion of police powers. how many gun owners out there loved the creation of the TSA in the first place? I'll bet hundreds of thousands.
I am more convinced than ever that as usual, the government does their job so poorly that the screening procedures for TSA agents which habitually grope, outright steal, and now kill fail. and these are the supposed safety "experts." I'd feel alot safer if they were gone and the airlines handled safety issues for their private companies privately.
Pick your favorite enemy GROUP and within it you will find a lot of people to like. Consider your own ideological comrades, however, and you will find the enemy you fear the most.
The right is reactionary, the left is radical. Government 101, 1980.
How are fundamentalist Christians an equal threat as fundamentalist Moslems?? Christians haven't been going around executing their children in the name of Islam, nor flying airliners into buildings in the name of Islam.
The last Christian violence occurred two years before McVeigh and Nichols bombed the Murrah building, when armed cultists defended their home from an unConstitutional assault.
I'm amused at the term "extreme patriots"; I don't know of any "extreme patriots", I'd like you to define the term. Would "extreme patriots" include the gov't agents who, in body armor carrying real assault weapons with fingers on the trigger seized young Elian Gonzales to send him back to hell... I mean Cuba?
You sound like someone who worships at the altar of moderation, thinking that by equating the two sides you can achieve some rational compromise between good and evil.
To paraphrase Ayn Rand: "There are two sides to every issue. One side is always the right, the other side is always wrong (aka the left); but the middle is always evil".
For example, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue" (Barry Goldwater). I understood this then and now. Whereas "Hope and Change" or "Fundamentally transforming America" (BO), I don't.
And also... bo doesn't need these things to happen to advance his mission. Gun grabbing is at the top two of his dictator list...well, because you can't be a dictator, full fledged, if the people have semi autos.
The last one mentions the Boston bombing drill also. Hmmmmm
I am watching this netfliz series called Homeland where the premise is a POW is rescued and we are left to speculate that he has "turned" by muslim extremists. it's pretty intense
Mobile phones work on planes but become increasing unreliable with altitude.
This always makes me see red.
Oh, this is also a reply to Hiraghm about his Barbara Olsen comment below.
it kills them.
Words mean things. Is the "official" version 100% accurate? Certainly not. Is the "official" version 100% true? Probably not.
Do I think Barbara and Ted Olson were part of some conspiracy to panic the U.S. into attacking poor, innocent Moslems (who've been trying to harm us for decades)? Hell no.
It requires no "official story" for me to figure out that we were attacked, and that Moslems were behind it, not the U.S. government.
He looks like a kid who wanted to get attention and commit suicide by cop.
Is there any more weapon restricted place than the airport, in Los Angeles, in California??