Are you are the enemy DHS is preparing to fight?
Posted by Mike_Quinta 12 years ago to Politics
In addition to stockpiling bullets, "Homeland Security" is now buying light tanks.
Who do you think these will be targeting in the future?
Will it be feasible to shrug if/when these arms are turned against the producers on behalf of the state?
Who do you think these will be targeting in the future?
Will it be feasible to shrug if/when these arms are turned against the producers on behalf of the state?
Unfortunately, that means they're all too willing to support the surrender of individual rights without realizing that the power of the state can just as easily be wielded against them one day too.
What they found instead, through their intrusive unwarranted wiretapping, Echelon email scanning, the DHS report-your-neighbor program, and other who knows what methods of information gathering, ... was that there were a large number of CITIZENS that didn't think very highly of the Federal government either.
They are no longer able to sustain the government with taxes. They are not even able to supplement it via selling government bonds to foreigners anymore. The currency is being hyper-inflated, and before the end I think they are going to rob the retirement plans.
We should not be surprised that they are ordering millions of rounds of ammunition and now TANKS to protect the country from "all enemies, foreign and domestic". They have properly assessed the level of arms they are going to need to combat the citizen rebellion that will descend on Washington DC in the future.
The government will require a certain percentage (25%+) of 401k/IRA money to be invested in "safe" investments consisting of government debt instruments (issued by insolvent fed, state, and local governments). After all, the Fed Reserve will eventually stop QE, requiring someone to pick up the slack and buy bad government debt as an "investment."
As inflation and unemployment rise, there will be the promise of more "security" with the voluntary surrender of your 401k/IRA funds to the government in exchange for a "guaranteed" pension (next gen of Social Security).
The final step will be to remove the voluntary aspect of the plan. Private retirement accounts will be completely replaced with the government's mandatory pension plan in the interest of "fairness" and "security."
For a good look at the future of the United States, see Argentina today.
In the future they will be targeting anybody and everybody with a brain or common scene. Well they would if they could tell us apart. When that happens you just got to blend in just like John Galt did living and working in the center of it. You still do all of your stuff just not in a way to let the government be aware of you.
I don't usually buy that type of stuff there because they ask what type of gun it's for and I won't tell. Just good confirmation to use the local sporting goods store even if it does cost more.
I've been paying a premium (plus shipping) to get mine online. More than twice what it cost before Dear Leader took office.
I was stunned the first time I was asked what type of gun it was for. I wouldn't tell her and the very young checker didn't know what to do because I wouldn't comply. She finally just rang it up and let me go. I'm in Montana. Lots of hunters here and they used to have a fairly well stocked supply of ammo at Wal-Mart. They still have a lot of long guns in the display cases, just nothing to put in them. Even though it cost more I'm going to stick with the local sporting goods store.
She seriously asked you what type of gun the ammo was for!? I'd have told her to pound sand. That's really NONE of their business. I am really surprised you were asked. So many hunters get their ammunition there, so it's really not like its unusual for anyone to ask for it. Dolt.
It's so true. What happened to the spirit of this country? What sapped the drive to be better, to achieve a goal, to make something? It's been suffocated under the blanket of over regulation of everything! It's sickening!
The phrase molon labe (Ancient Greek μολὼν λαβέ molṑn labé; reconstructed Ancient Greek pronunciation [molɔːn labé]; Modern Greek pronunciation [moˈlon laˈve]) means "Come and take". It is a classical expression of defiance reportedly spoken by King Leonidas I in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. It is an exemplary use of a laconic phrase.
I would not comply. They can’t blackmail me. I would tell them to pound sand, close my shop and liquidate first. The Reardon protection of Dagny was noble, but short sighted. If he had not complied, and they published the pictures, they would have exhausted their leverage. I would have my attorneys threaten to expose and prosecute the blackmailers. This is the problem when nobody stands up to the usurpers. If they still insisted upon publication would it have seriously made any difference in the long run for Dagny? Of course hindsight is 20- 20, a device was needed for the story, and when the story was written the stigma was greater. In the real world the punishment for blackmail is considerable, and I always got the impression Dagny was a big girl and could have handled the fallout from her own indiscretions. Of course I have not stood in their shoes, and maybe I would see things differently. Just some random thoughts…