Hi. I'm Andrew Lunde

Posted by alunde 10 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I rank AS as the most influential book in my life. I've read it cover to cover a couple of times and listened to the unabridged book-on-tape version on long road trips. I follow Leonard Peikoff and now Yuron Brook's podcasts regularly. I find it fascinating to watch the world approach Rand's future vision of what could happen if liberalism is allowed to run unchecked. Currently living in Atlanta, GA but always on the look out for the "real" gulch to move to when things really go South.


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  • Posted by $ dhinet 10 years, 8 months ago
    Hi Andrew, Thanks for holding the fort down while I have been finding my way here, Glad you made it too! Don't forget to watch the final day of filming (for us Producers Only), Friday 2/14. It has been a hoot.
    Learned a lot about the movie making business. Chat with other producers as they are filming live.
    Hope to see you there or here in the Gulch.
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