Georgia Stones
Posted by RobertFl 10 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
I'm curious what you all think of the Georgia Stones, especially in light of Ebola and the potential to wipe out 90% of the population.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Assuming a perfect world of well intentioned implementation, and no power hungry, corrupt agenda, Is this Socialism, Communism, Conservatism? How does this fit with Libertarianism?
What liberties do we have yield to maintain this?
I can read this in light and be perfectly fine it.
I can also see something very bad.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Assuming a perfect world of well intentioned implementation, and no power hungry, corrupt agenda, Is this Socialism, Communism, Conservatism? How does this fit with Libertarianism?
What liberties do we have yield to maintain this?
I can read this in light and be perfectly fine it.
I can also see something very bad.
"tempered reason" how's that for an anti-concept?
the presumption that population should be controlled is anti-reason
The US Constitution uses subjective terms as well. It's the empowered authority that we intrust with their interpretation.
You don't think the population needs to be controlled?
I think the population needs to be restricted to supply and demand.
Your ability to supply food to the demanding populations.
If unemployment rises, the populations needs to adjust downward.
Brave New World.
Actually, it sounds more like a philosophy developed and enshrined by someone who follows the tenets of Gene Rodenberry. All we need are benevolent aliens to land on our planet, and show us the error of our ways...
Or more like said aliens coming down to give us the great gift of their instructions to happiness and contentment in a book entitled "To Serve Man"...
What's the one thing that rubs your fur the wrong way about it?
Guide reproduction wisely - Eugenics. Whose wiseness?
Unite humanity with a living new language - Erase history and culture
Whose 'fair laws' and 'just courts'
Need I go on?
Read it any way you want - It's anti-human and collectivism.