
Posted by crb0011 10 years, 5 months ago to Movies
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Saw AS3 a few days ago, and came away deeply disappointed. The first third seemed a bit disjointed, but more than anything else was that they, practically wrote Hank Reardon out of the story. He was arguably the second most important character in the first two parts, but someone who hadn't seen those episodes would have no real idea who he was. In part two they made a big deal of Reardon's wife and James blackmailing Hank into signing away his rights to Reardon metal by threatening to expose his affair with Dagny.. In the book, Dagny learns of it and goes on national television to tell the whole story. Freed of the blackmail, Hank confronts the moochers living in his house. I re-read it tonight--page 890 if you have the paperback--and couldn't help but cheer him on. Alas, though, viewers of AS3 will never know if happened.

Now, I know that anytime you take a huge work like AS and try to fit it into a movie--even three movies--you have to cut a lot. In this case I think they cut something important.

Just my two cents' worth...

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