Introducing, uh, Me!

Posted by usr1188 11 years ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I’m very excited to be here! Like most of you as I started reading AS I was amazed how much it resonated with my true feelings, as well as frightened at how prophetic a story it is, especially for having been written so long ago.

I was raised with the ideas that a man shall reap what he sews, and God helps those who help themselves. I always took this to mean that a person should do everything within their power to make their own way before asking for, or accepting help.

I’m in my 40’s now, served in the military for the first 8 years of my adult life until I had “become all I could be,” In that lifestyle. Anyone who has ever served for any length of time in the military can relate how that way of life is the closest we’ve ever come to living under a socialist regime up until recently. Common quarters, food, reduced rights, “universal health care.” Also while serving I have lived in true socialist and dictatorship governments and it made me appreciate the United States even more. Yet there was always this nagging thought in my mind that if the Government would create a socialist environment in its own military, what is stopping it from extending to the country as a whole?

And now it’s obvious that we’re headed down that road, and for generations now our youth have been indoctrinated in the “nobility” of getting something for nothing, and worse yet, to actually HATE those of us who are actually producing the very “goodie bags” they’re taking. It’s so bad now, they’ve learned they can vote for their benefits and I’m afraid the current trend is irreversible until a major cataclysmic event occurs and the Government is no longer to provide for the dumb masses and they have to learn the hard way that they ARE capable of providing for themselves.

I believe charity is alright, when it’s given willingly and infrequently, and to those who truly can’t take care of themselves. Beyond that there needs to be SOME sort of exchange. Energy for goods, gold, etc. Not all charity is bad, and not all capitalism is good. An employer who profits too greatly while cheating their employees is just as bad as expecting people to work to hand over their fruits to one who doesn’t. The exchange MUST be balanced fairly. I don’t mean equally, I mean fairly.

I believe Government should only pass laws that apply to everyone equally, and prevent people from harming others. They should NOT be making laws or wasting time and money enforcing them that ALLOW people to do something, such as gay marriage or legalized pot. These are separate issues that government should not be concerned with. Instead they should provide security and minimal infrastructure and leave the product up to the people to develop, finance, and utilize, and yes, capitalize on.

I believe we need more communities like “Galts Gulch” but I’m afraid we’re going to be outnumbered from now until government collapse, and only then if people can rise above their easy chairs and tv sets. Stop standing in lines and start blazing trails, striving to be the best they can, for themselves and provide the best they can to others, for profit.

“Thank you” to everyone here who has made this place possible. Both Atlas Productions and each of you who come and post here.

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