Daniel Durand - Golden Pinnacle - A new hero to inspire me

Posted by $ HeroWorship 10 years, 2 months ago to Books
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First - Damn You Robert Gore!
My life and projects over the last 3 days were completely overturned by a compulsion bordering on mania to finish your damn book! I invested a full day of my own writing time reading yours.

Second.- Thank you Robert Gore. You have given me a new hero and a new villain to understand my life through and guide my choices. I look forward to the predictably many inspirational moments I will have moving forward - thinking about WWDDD as I face my moral and work challenges. I feel better having known Mr. Durand.

Third, I am glad to have another novel to recommend whose characters and logic cause the reader to confront the basic facts about human character and work - especially the world of banking and finance - you exposed the shadows to light and revealed its manifold colors. Well done!

Fourth - If you have not read Golden Pinnacle yet, give yourself the gift of doing so. If you are in this Gulch, it will be a treat for you. Well earned, I would guess.

In the name of the best within us!
SOURCE URL: http://www.amazon.com/The-Golden-Pinnacle-Historical-Durands-ebook/dp/B00GMTAUC6/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1

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