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Obviously the knowledge is not being taught in lower level public schools.
I thought everyone agreed with that. I hope this article is not true, but it could be.
Of course... we all know the political bias in today's institutions of higher learning... if you don't follow the politically correct Marxist left wing ideology to turn citizens into leftist sheep, then you are not welcome. They will claim that they encourage free speech... what they don't overtly state is the free speech must parrot the speech is that given by Marx, Engels, and Lenin...
I remember cartoon versions of ancient tales showing the conflict between the ant and the grasshopper, the tortoise and the hare, and the goose that laid the golden egg. Even tales from our heritage did not refer to fairness in any manner other than a description of beauty.
Where did the political construct of fairness come from? From class envy and politicians dividing people rather than uniting them. "It's not fair that some are wealthy while others are out of work."
In my world, the wealthy have projects they want to have done. These projects are too big and expansive for them to undertake themselves. So, they must hire people. In doing this it would seem the wealth changes hands, but not really. The value added by the laborer, for which he is paid, makes the project worth as much or more than sum total of the individual costs. In that way, wealth is created and "fairly" distributed to the ones that worked.
How could that possibly be unfair? If there are not enough projects to employ all, consider removing government obstacles standing in the way of projects, i.e. permits, fees, taxes, prevailing wages, EPA, OSHA, etc.