20% Off the Galt's Gulch Gold Coin Bracelet

Posted by awebb 10 years, 5 months ago to Entertainment
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Save 20% on the official Galt's Gulch gold coin bracelet.

This stunning bracelet features an exact replica of the coin used in Galt’s Gulch in "Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?"


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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 5 months ago
    If it was offered in gold - even .900 - I would get one. Maybe 2 or 3. Because (1) that would be something very cool to pass down, (2) it's something that even Midas Mulligan would recognize as having intrinsic value, and (3) that would follow the Objectivist logic that A=A.

    OK, it's a repliprop. but that its a replica, still makes it tough to plunk down 130 FRN units for Au plated brass. I passed on the Rearden Bracelet for the same reason - I've had anodized bracelets before, and they end up looking poor because the process lends not well to wearable jewelry.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 5 months ago
    Well, I don't really want either one.
    The "Rearden Metal" one is so far from the one described in the book, for no discernible reason, that I dislike it.
    The bracelet pictured does not carry a "gold coin". It's brass, plated with gold - not even vermeil, the way some of the other jewelry is. The chain is the same. Plated metals usually have a microns-thin layer of the precious metal; if you're one of the people who reacts to copper, you'd better not ding the bracelet and get through the plating.
    I do not object to the bracelet itself, or its sale; but to title it as a "gold coin bracelet" is veering from the truth a bit. [The description in the store makes it clear that it is not gold.]
    I do plan to buy one of the coins, just as a memento - but I can't carry it in my pocket - my stainless pocket knife will knock the plating right off.
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    • Posted by NealS 10 years, 5 months ago
      I have a solution to the plating getting knocked off. I carry an Army Field Artillery Challenge Coin in my pocket every day. Right now it’s missing a bunch of the artillery red epoxy paint that it had on the back. I assume it must be due to my knife, coins, and other paraphernalia I carry around knocking it off. To solve this problem I bought several of these coins, one to carry around, one for display, and the others to present to comrades I might meet that I haven’t seen in over 35 years (XXXX, that should have read 45 years). So you could buy at least two, one to really enjoy and one for display. Remember you can’t take any of it with you, not the money or any of the paraphernalia either. Do what makes you happy, as I do.

      A second option might be to buy a little leather coin purse to carry it in to protect it, or you could even have a custom leather bag made for it. If you should order two of the coins, just remember that Khalling’s birthday is coming up. You could order one of the bracelets too and have them just ship it directly to her. If you need any other ideas please advise, I’m always be here to help.
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