
Posted by $ Commander 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
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"Light-rail neighbors get a surprise: a bill"
This was the print headline in this morning's Pioneer Press.
Surprise? Only the ignorant are surprised by this.
This is how the situation "may", though my gut says "shall", play out. the fiscal grievances will be heard through a hearing process....not "listening" process. Any who refuse this encumbrance will be grouped and processed by City Council vote, resulting in the commuting of all charges and interest and penalties to the "care" of the county....leveraged against property taxes.
A=A Extortion is Extortion.
I've experienced this....Minneapolis to Hennepin County in 2009.
SOURCE URL: http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_26605290/university-ave-businesses-billed-rail-related-street-work?source=hottopics

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