The Inhuman Crimes That Ukrainian Government Committed On Ukrainians and Covered Up By Western Media

Posted by freedomforall 2 days, 9 hours ago to Politics
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"This Is Not A Marvel Movie
The Ukrainians aren't the plucky good guys. The Russians aren't cartoonishly evil. Vladimir Putin isn't a movie villain. As long as people believe this propaganda, they will resist attempts to end the war. The next step is for the Trump administration, ideally the Vice President, to give Americans a more accurate explanation of how we got here.
In 2014 -- after Victoria Nuland, @ChrisMurphyCT, John McCain etc. used NED to fund protests in Kiev to remove the democratically elected leader and replace him with an unelected pro-US puppet -- Kiev began bombing ethnic Russian civilians in Donbas, Ukraine
In 2004, the US/EU's favorite Ukrainian candidate lost to Viktor Yanukovych (the same elected President whom the US helped push out in 2014).

The EU and State Dept did then what they just did to Romania: nullified the election and re-ran it until they got their desired outcome.".

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 days, 9 hours ago
    The United States has paid a heavy price for its meddling in Ukraine.

    " It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world. "
    George Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States | Monday, September 19, 1796

    "Mind your business" - Ben Franklin
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    • Posted by 2 days, 8 hours ago
      Agreed. (Not to mention meddling in Korea, Viet Nam, and the Middle East.)
      At this point, Trump is trying to get something back from Ukraine, but as Robert Gore
      points out in The Turnaround, one must recognize that the Deep State/neocons have
      thrown young lives and all that treasure away.
      They should be prosecuted for treason and war crimes.
      The only way forward financially is to write off the costs of idiotic past empire-building
      wars and cut back 80% or more of government activities.
      Repeal all the laws giving fedgov power over businesses and close most of the
      agencies that have no overt constitutional authority or purpose.
      Traitors have been controlling the fedgov since the 60's (and likely since 1913.)
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  • Posted by fairbro 3 hours, 39 minutes ago
    (Wrote this a few years ago to explain to organizers of the Honor Flight why I objected to the Holocaust Musuem being included In the itinerary. Full version at )

    2012, I was in Lugansk (Donbass, Ukraine). I had gone to a food kiosk by the main bus terminal, 2-3 times, but the proprietor (from Uzbekistan) refused to serve me French fries. One day I got irked and said he was prejudiced against me, an American. Another Muslim, standing by me, explained (in perfect American English - (he was an Iraqi medical student) that the owner usually runs out of potatoes by this time of day, so he could not make me fries. Me smile and humbly apologize... :)

    Fast forward to 2014. Maidan. The US "Deep State" under Barack Obama. led by the State Department's Victoria Nuland, engineers the violent overthrow of the legitimately-elected government of Ukraine. The first act of the newly US-installed President of Ukraine is to ban the Russian language and cancel the Russian culture. In reaction, Crimea and Donbass (including Lugansk), declare their independence from this new oppressive regime, which would make it illegal to speak their native language). After a visit by VP Joe Biden, Ukraine launches an invasion of secessionist Donbass.

    I see a YouTube video of my food kiosk, it is now rubble, as is the nearby main bus station, bombed by the Ukrainian Air Force. I watch videos of Ukrainian jets bombing downtown Lugansk, hitting apartment buildings, businesses, churches, even an orphanage (the manager was rightfully hysterical). The videos are up close and personal, quite bloody. One is a jet strafing civilians as they wlak down the sidewalk. Horrific.

    I give some money to my Lugansk scammer friend so she can flee to Kiev (where she rapidly becomes rabidly anti-Russian). I went along with her scams as she has two little boys. Scamming is a way of life in Ukraine. The big scammers scam the little scammers. My personal experience in Ukraine is that trying to run a business is impossible for any would-be investor. In the previous year I ran a small business in Russia, we were teaching English and outsourcing (development of websites). There were no bureaucratic payoffs necessary.

    In 2015, the kiosk video, its destruction, disappears from Youtube. Rush says the most-frequent visitors to the Obama White House are Google/Youtube executives. They are "shaping the public perception."

    ALL of the Google/YouTube videos showing wartime atrocities and bombing of civilians, by Ukraine, disappear in 2015-16.

    Included is also a very powerful video of a young Ukrainian lass standing in front of a line of tanks dispatched from Kiev, about to enter Donbass and start a civil war. She pleads with them, and there's a group of local residents also calmly discussing things with the tank crews. "We are all Ukrainians, what are you doing?" "Why are you attacking us? etc. Finally the lead tank begins nudging her, she loses her nerve and steps out of the way. Likewise a video of Ukrainian soldiers sitting in a foxhole, taking a smoke break, philosophizing, "WTF are we here for? We are killing our own people..."

    All thrown in the cyber-dumpster by Google/Youtube.

    Russia, in 2014, provides anti-aircraft missiles to Donbass to bring a halt to the aerial bombing of Donbass. The Minsk Accords are signed to bring peace and an autonomy agreement for the Donass, but Ukraine ignores the pact, instead starts artillery shelling, and snipers, on Donbass, with 16,000 casualties (ethnic Russian civilians) over the next year, but the OESC stops counting in 2016. Western leaders who sign the Minsk Accords later all admit they signed under false pretenses - they were only interested in buying time to arm Ukraine, not peace. To corrupt the diplomatic process by being dishonest is now a good thing?

    Today, Google/Youtube manipulation of the "news" is pernicious and systemic.

    On a basic level, the media and social media is the uninvited 3rd party bad guy in this conflict - by preventing the dissemination of reality. Big tech blocks understanding. Without understanding by both sides there can be no affinity, no resolution nor agreement. Hence no peace.

    On a deeper level, there is the Deep State and covert intelligence agencies, as 3rd parties, colluding to manage the media message and continually create conflict, whether domestically or internationally, as a means of maintaining control.

    Looking forward to what I call "The New Paradigm" a planet-wide civilization based on understanding, not violence. The tools for instant global communication are here, but are temporarily controlled and misused by the Deep State and a few, insanely-rich people. Once we are able to use these tools freely, on a personal, group and international level, understanding and affinity will grow, humanity will evolve. Just around the corner is a new golden age, a spiritual awakening, a renaissance of the Human Race. Big changes are coming...
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    • Posted by 3 hours, 21 minutes ago
      Thanks for posting this again. 👍
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      • Posted by fairbro 2 hours, 29 minutes ago
        Did I already post this once? Sorry if I did. I am working on "hoops in the heart" dot com, and have sketched out a book on contemporary affairs, but it looks like events are outracing me, which is a good thing. And I can't find someone to present the Left's POV. The AI can cheerfully do it, but...

        I set up to air my views, but never got around to it. If the day had 36 hours, might get some of my half-finished projects done, LOL!
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  • Posted by fairbro 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
    How USAID-funded Ukrainian media propelled Zelensky to presidency

    USAID gave over $100,000 to an anti-corruption TV show that likely contributed to Volodymyr Zelensky's 2019 election victory.

    🔴 The investigative show Nashi Groshi ("Our Money"), funded by USAID, targeted then-President Petro Poroshenko while reinforcing Zelensky’s anti-corruption campaign narrative prior to the voting day

    🔴 A key episode exposing alleged corruption was aired in February 2019, just before the first round of elections in March

    The Ukrainian press on USAID's payroll

    🔴 From 2011 to 2018, USAID provided about $24 million to the Ukraine Media Development (U-Media) project through Internews Network to support ‘independent media’

    🔴 Between 2018 and 2025, the USAID Media Program in Ukraine was provided a whopping $75 million, Internews admits

    🔴 USASpending lists $95.1 million in USAID's pledges to Ukraine until September 2026, most of which is destined for Media Program in Ukraine with $59.3 million paid out so far

    🔴 Oksana Romaniuk, director of Ukraine’s Institute of Mass Information, admitted in February that 90% of Ukrainian media relies on USAID funding, triggering doubts about its ‘independence’

    🔴 Since 2022, funding has risen to uphold the Kiev regime’s narrative and counter ‘Russian disinformation’ through 150 media groups, 292 schools, relocation support for 200 journalists, stipends for 258 Ukrainian journalists, assistance to 74 NGOs and support for new media laws
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