Why It’s Time For Kash to Go After The Rogue FBI by David Stockman

Posted by freedomforall 5 days, 15 hours ago to Politics
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"They must be sweating bullets in the Washington Swamp. Kash Patel was confirmed as FBI director, and that means there is going to be a caravan of DOGE trucks hauling out the dead bodies right soon.

Especially after the FBI went all-in on the Deep State campaign to defenestrate Donald Trump in 2016 and after, the level of lawlessness and blatant attacks on constitutional processes emanating from the J. Edgar Hoover Building literally knew no bounds. Soon we will have black and white documentation that the FBI not only knew all along that the Russian election interference story was a complete hoax, but that top officials of the FBI were actually even more deeply complicit in its manufacture and dissemination than has already been revealed.

But lawlessness at the nation’s purported leading law enforcement agency was nothing new. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a rogue institution of the Washington Swamp steeped in a lifetime of ignominy and disdain for constitutional liberty and democracy
The fact is, there never was need for the FBI in the first place—outside of political opportunism and the furtherance of crusades which are not within the proper purview of the Federal government. Yet in this sphere of government aggrandizement, so-called Republican “conservatives” share much of the blame owing to their misguided view that “law and order” is a proper Federal pursuit.

Then again, however, we do have 90,000 units of state and local government for a reason. Namely, in order to decentralize, disperse and mute the exercise of government power. So surely the enforcement of the criminal laws is precisely one of those functions best kept as far away from the nation’s capital as possible, as the checkered history of the FBI proves in spades.

In any event, as a practical matter crime prosecution and enforcement is already overwhelmingly conducted by state and local police forces and courts. For instance, there are currently about 7.5 million arrests in the US each year, but only about 10,000 of these are executed by the FBI. That’s just 0.14%."
FBI is a murdering, treasonous sewer. KILL IT!
SOURCE URL: https://internationalman.com/articles/david-stockman-on-why-its-time-for-kash-to-go-after-the-rogue-fbi/

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  • Posted by mhubb 4 days, 19 hours ago
    patience young Padawan

    let Trump and company savor those still rushing to put their heads in nooses

    (if not happening in time, we as a Republic are done)
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 days, 11 hours ago
      Methinks if that creasing bullet had instead stopped Trump for good, this Republic would be done for~~for sinking too deep into the mire of one of the most corrupt filthiest human swamps ever created.
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