Can you see the middle-class getting crushed?

Posted by $ Abaco 2 weeks, 2 days ago to Economics
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I do ok. But, I pay attention to my expenditures. Maybe it's because we were on a tight budget when I was a kid. The other day I had my old pickup in the shop for routine oil change and new shocks/struts. $3400. I didn't gripe about it. But, I happened to have a nice conversation with the shop manager and later let him know that I wanted to chat with him about this price. Made it clear I'm not griping...I just want his take on why it's so damned expensive. He called me a couple nights ago and we had a nice conversation. Essentially, just about all the parts are made in China. Parts pricing has pretty much tripled over the past 5 years. Can't find anybody who wants to work - and they're billing out their workers at a rate that's not far from what I'm billed out. And, I'm billed out for a lot. The thought I can't shake is - How in the hell does a young middle-class family make ends meet these days? With auto expenses like this, gas and energy so expensive, grocery prices lately, and a mortgage? It feels like people have always been saying this. But, I'm at the stage where I'm making good dough...and it's getting my attention(?). I remember reading "The Millionaire Next Door" many years ago and being shocked that the norm was to live on credit cards, ARMs for oversized homes, and financially just saying "screw it". Maybe that's what's going on. I just don't see how this continues and we have a middle-class in America in 30 years.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    I had front Bilstein struts replaced on my Mazda about 20 months ago for about $620 (60 miles from major city.)
    Price hasn't changed per my mechanic. Rear are same price. Synthetic oil/filter change about $65.
    Your costs do appear to be high.
    That said, I agree with your point on how costly everything is compared to a decade ago.
    Food costs are over 100% higher in many cases compared to only 5 years ago.
    I suspect things will get worse, not better, unless the Fed is eliminated, income tax is repealed,
    and 'credit' is greatly reduced. Maybe when credit cards are not handed out regardless of
    ability to pay (at insane rates of interest), then people will have to consider saving instead of
    buying every worthless Chinese-made trinket. The throw-away and replace mindset must change.
    The banking cartel gets credit for virtually no cost, charges granny 20%-30%, and gets bailed
    out by mom and pop when the bankster gambles fail as they predictably do. This has been
    Standard Procedure con-game by banksters for 112 years - creating and expanding a financial
    bubble until it pops and foreclosing on honest marks for profit.
    Repeal the Federal Reserve Act, seize all bankster assets ill-gotten under the corrupt Fed, and
    replace the banking cartel with banks that risk their own invested capital with no hope for
    bailouts. Let a free market prevail. Real property prices must plummet and Wall St be damned.
    Those who have gained the most with the least effort should be the ones who experience the
    pain of deflation to actual values. Reduction of government meddling by more than 50%
    must also be done to open the way for growth by the free market.
    DOGE and Trump appear to be on the right track to save the people of the states united.
    I hope they live long enough to see the restoration of individual liberty and free markets here.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 weeks, 1 day ago
      In 55 years, a 1970 dollar is now worth 12.5¢
      You really want to know why (for the first time in US history) our children won't have a better life then their parents?
      It's a rigged system, a big club, and we ain't in it.
      The Federal Reserve, which isn't Federal and has no reserves, prints our currency at interest, totally unconstitutional.
      It allows a totally corrupt Con-Gress to spend money (on things we didn't ask for, or in most cases, didn't need), with absolutely no plan on how to repay it.
      Are they totally stupid, or just that dirty.
      Trump and Musk are uncovering the fraud waste and abuse to a degree we didn't think was possible in our worst nightmares.
      Everyday a new allegation surfaces that is even more disturbing than the day before.
      Leaked Emails and internal memos are coming out the elite party leaders are in full control to the State Run Media spiking any story that exposes corruption fraud and waste. Instead feeding the public with transparently false cover stories, out-right lies or fluff stories that no-one gives a shite about.
      The more and louder these dirt-bag politicians squeal, the deeper they are into the mud the guiltier they are likely to be.

      Our Republic is on fire, and our so-called government is far more interested in keeping the graft and corruption going than anything resembling honest and responsible governance.
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      • Posted by rhfinle 1 week, 6 days ago
        One of my favorite books, which I've recommended many times here (Oh, no, not that again, Bob!) is Robert Ringer's "Restoring the American Dream" from 1979. He outlined and described exactly how and why they they're doing this to us, and it's just as valid now..
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    • Posted by $ 2 weeks, 2 days ago
      Thanks for that input. I think there is a shortage of GOOD auto shops around here. That doesn't help. Once I am fully retired I'll be taking on a lot of the maintenance stuff on my own.
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      • Posted by AmericanWoman 2 weeks, 1 day ago
        Have a friend that back in the day owned several local gas stations (people serviced types) even one truck stop sold them all more then 25 years ago with all the changes he saw coming. Continued to do repairs of all type to cars out of his garage then with a little more time the years if ageing he now shares a garage with a young gent. He will come to my home pick it up and tell me honestly what is wrong or not. Gave it to him one day as my Accord has over 80,000 said listen anything under $3000 do not even call just do it he called me 1 1/12 hours later and said can not find anything wrong with it gave him a $50 bill and several neighbors now use him too.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks, 2 days ago
        I understand; I must use a more expensive, more Mazda-experienced shop when a problem stumps the owner at the shop I used for the shocks.
        That shop is a 65 mile drive away, but was worth the trip when I had a engine power problem 6 months ago.
        Replacement of the cat wasn't cheap, but its running like new again at 26 years old.
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        • Posted by $ 2 weeks, 2 days ago
          Yeah baby! My Tundra is 14 years old but runs and looks brand new. I can drive that truck in any weather and it cuts right through. Decided that, given the cost to replace it, I'm just going to drive it until I can't drive. That vintage of Tundra, IMO, is the best 1/2-ton pickup ever built. On the top of my back window is, "Who is John Galt?"...
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      • Posted by rhfinle 2 weeks ago
        Recall that Obama did a big old-car buyback a few years ago, which promoted the big car companies and their unions, and put a lot of small-time mechanic shops out of work.
        In about 2012, I was in a junkyard in Dallas, pulling parts off a Cherokee to go on mine. Sadly, the one I was getting parts from was the exact same model, in much better shape than mine, nearly pristine, except for the goop they had poured into the engine and transmission to destroy them. But the owner got his $250 from Obama to do this. What a waste.
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        • Posted by $ 1 week, 6 days ago
          That's sad, isn't it? All the engineering and hard word that went into that vehicle....They fill it with goop. Good symbolism there. A lesson.
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          • Posted by rhfinle 1 week, 6 days ago
            I forgot to say: I thought about just buying that one out of the junkyard and putting my engine in ~it~, but was informed that after it's been 'buyback'ed, the title is considered dead and you can't license it ever again.
            Many thanks to that pointy-headed Kenyan sucker of other people's ducks.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    $50,000 home 1975 is now $500,000. In 2025 fifty years and you’re just seeing it? This is a result of having a Federal reserve. Trump is replacing the FED. Hint….he calls it the golden age. The IRS will become the ERS. The biggest problem Americans face at the moment is Corrupt Judges who are enabling corruption to continue as they rule against the Presidents executive power even as many have a financial interest. One judges wife started a NGO funded by USAID for many years. For example.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    In the 45 years I've been in the stock market, there has been six major "market corrections" in and around 30%
    1987: -22.6%
    1989-90: -85% (NASDAQ)
    2000: -52%
    2007-09: -57%
    2010 -17%
    2020: -34%
    This year the market went down from 45K down to 41.8K, a -7.1% change, and people are running around with their hair on fire.

    The stock market is a casino, anyone who hasn't figured that out yet, should not be in the stock market.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    You really want to know why (for the first time in US history) our children won't have a better life then their parents?
    It's a rigged system, a big club, and we ain't in it.
    The Federal Reserve, which isn't Federal and has no reserves, prints our currency at interest, totally unconstitutional.
    It allows a totally corrupt Con-Gress to spend money (on things we didn't ask for, or in most cases, didn't need), with absolutely no plan on how to repay it.
    Are they totally stupid, or just that dirty.
    Trump and Musk are uncovering the fraud waste and abuse to a degree we didn't think was possible in out worst nightmares.
    Everyday a new allegation surfaces that is even more disturbing than the day before.
    Leaked Emails and internal memos are coming out the elite party leaders are in full control to the State Run Media spiking any story that exposes corruption fraud and waste. Instead feeding the public with transparently false cover stories, out-right lies or fluff stories that no-one gives a shite about.
    The more and louder these dirt-bag politicians squeal, the deeper they are into the mud the guiltier they are likely to be.

    Our Republic is on fire, and our so-called government is far more interested in keeping the graft and corruption going than anything resembling honest and responsible governance.
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  • Posted by $ 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    He mentioned that now that China is making just about everything they are taking the opportunity to not be competitive anymore, but gouge us.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    THE REAL CAUSE OF PRICE INCREASES. Inflation of prices is caused by the reduction of debt represented by the Dollar NOTE. By Purchase we mean trading one debt for another. e.g. legal tender. When the gov want to spend they increase the amount of notes tied to the existing gov debt. This decreases the amount of debt represented by each individual note. Less debt per note translates into less purchasing (tender of debt) power. For ex. If the gov doubles the amount of notes that reduces the debt of each note by half. Prices double to equalize with the lesser debt in the note. what used to cost 1 dollar note now costs two dollar notes. The new notes printed up by the gov are already spent at the prior amount of debt and prior price. So the gov steals twice.

    The Government can use the Fed to spend recklessly like an unlimited credit card that you pay for. The Politicians rack up crippling debt, spent on welfare to buy votes and creates a dependent lower class, and some would argue – enable wars, which would not be approved and could not be financed otherwise. All the while the Banks collect interest.
    More in depth see - https://02f8c87.netsolhost.com/WordPr...
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    Far too many have become blinded by the glitter of the junk being sent and used in so many products for years, years in our states. Younger people think oohhh its cheaper lets get it well this old lady looks at everything. Younger kiddos laugh that much of my clothing and socks are washed but rack dried and are more then 15 years old. Older products made in America last!
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 week, 6 days ago
    Specifically, with regard to car parts, don't forget the real purpose of Cash for Clunkers was to lower the supply of used auto parts and thus help the union cronies.
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