Transgender Mouse Obliterates Female Mouse In Laboratory MMA Event
Having been polled, Democrats holding a political position are 100% lockstep okay with that.
To be fair, note that some Democrats who did not partake in the poll fled the poll taker while some managed to squeak "no comment!" while miserably shrieking.
CNN backs off its doubt of Trump's factual version of what inspired The Bee to distort with satire.
To be fair, note that some Democrats who did not partake in the poll fled the poll taker while some managed to squeak "no comment!" while miserably shrieking.
CNN backs off its doubt of Trump's factual version of what inspired The Bee to distort with satire.
Game on!
for being mediocre and thus always losers when competing against their own actual gender.
This lunacy may stem back to a childhood of always receiving participation trophies.
It ain't fair, I tell you! Ain't fair!
Hey, maybe libs will come up with retroactive participation trophies to bag votes from old farts like me.
No, sez my next thought. First, they will start giving participation trophies to transsexual "girls" who get beat by real girls in sporting events.
The real girls will get nothing except being booed when they rarely win against cheaters as if they'd do it for being mean.
These days even lib feminists don't care how real girl athletes think and feel. Not even about being exposed locker room male nudity.