Covid Vaccine Damage Study

Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 week, 1 day ago to Government
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A new study of the damage done to some people who received the shots. Did you get yours?
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6369307293112?dicbo=v2-itozePk

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 week ago
    i got the J&J
    for work

    and there is ZERO forgiveness for this
    the company violated Federal Law by not allowing ANY exceptions
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 days, 9 hours ago
      I truly hope the CEOs and HR managers, etc. Pay a huge price. The companies should be forced to pay out for damages caused by unconstitutional actions. It's a straight up HIPPA violation to ask about ANY medical treatment.
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  • Posted by Orwellian 6 days, 10 hours ago
    I had travel planned and the airlines forced compliance. I have a long tern bad reaction that has not gone away at this date. I would love to see Fauci and several others in jail and bankrupt for the lies and deceit
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 days, 9 hours ago
      Please review the FLCCC Spike Protein Protocol. I know at least 5 people, myself included, who swear by it. And IT CANNOT HURT.

      IVM itself helps clear the Spike Protein. Honestly within 2 weeks the changes were WONDERFUL. (No Vaxx for me, but a neighbor SHED his Vaxxed COVID infection on me, and got me and my wife really sick).
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      • Posted by Orwellian 6 days, 9 hours ago
        thanks for the FLCCC link. the protocols are relevant and I have made progress using SOME of them already . Now looking into a better more complete recovery.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 days, 8 hours ago
          Lookup CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome). Dr. Shoemaker showed that almost ALL long Covid people have the same GENETIC Markers. It makes them susceptible to MOLD. Causes Chronic Fatigue. Overlaps with Long Covid are huge..

          I was diagnosed with CIRS, then the biggest needle mover was the Spike Protein Protocol. (I've done it 3 times, FWIW, I've seen deeper improvements each time!), because Covid was my trigger.

          Clif High Published about FenBen, and some extra stuff in dealing with this as well.

          I would 100% find VcsTest.com and start there. This CHEAP Eye test tells you if you have brain inflammation. We use it to track our progress in treatment.

          The genetic tests can be done with NutritionWithJudy.com (I know her personally, she diagnosed me). But typically she wants to see you fail the VCSTest (Vision Contrast Sensitivity Test).

          Who else has this? Dr. Jordan Peterson, Mikhaila, and Dave Asprey (Bullet Proof Coffee guy).

          Tons of information on it. Asprey made the "Moldy" Movie about it.

          I pray that is not your problem... You can only manage your symptoms, there is no cure.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 days, 11 hours ago
    From everything I read over the past five years, "they" (big Pharma) admitted multiple times that they didn't test this to find out if being vaxxed prevented one from catching Covid. (That admission also made me ask, OK, the what the hell DID you test it for?) What jumped out at me from the interview is the 36K people who were harmed by the vax, and that's probably a helluva lot more people than actually were prevented from catching Covid. And also provable: the CDC had to change their definition of "vaccine" when they found out that what the populous was being forced to get absolutely did NOT prevent the spread, unlike what that addled dipshit in the White House tried to convince us of.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 week ago
    I refused the vaccine and was forced to retire. I think the Covid vaccines affect long term viral immunity, making at least some recipients more susceptible to viral infections. There are also known mechanisms where the vaccines could decrease the ability of the cell to prevent transformation in to cancer cells.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 1 week ago
    When I asked the person administering the shots for a safety data sheet, she looked at me as if I had three heads. I did get a shot ... unwillingly under threat of losing my job ... in July. I hadn't gotten COVID prior to that, but caught it twice during the following year. Ironically, unlike when I get a normal cold, I got over it much faster than I usually do. Maybe it worked to some extent?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 day ago
    Knowing more about the history of coronavirus vaccination than just about anybody else, with a background in infection control, while working in a government health office I voiced my opinion and held my ground. Probably because of me our management never hinted towards a mandate. All the other departments did. Mine didn't go there. They knew I had a son with autism. Turns out I was right. And, while on a business trip on California today I happened to stop by my old office. Every one of my former colleagues didn't just shake my hand, they hugged me.
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