Drone Horizons all the weird, terrifying, and incredible ways drones will change the world.

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Technology
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"The stadium is aroar with eighty thousand raucous attendees and casts a short shadow in the midday sun. In the distance, peppered specks rise from nests unseen before gathering over the horizon like iron filings in a magnetic field. Small payload drones, hundreds of them, race balefully forward; the orchestrated swarm twists and folds in hivelike unison as it approaches its target. In response, nearer to the stadium, another group of drones ascends in concert and rushes to meet its hostile counterpart. The confrontation is swift, and casually anticlimactic, with only a few citygoers caring to notice the whir of propellers or the hissing and buzzing of the interceptors’ high-powered microwave pulses. The sky is clear once again, and the game goes on uninterrupted. This emergence and facile neutralization of drone threats is commonplace here, in a potential future.

This cross-section of a shocking and indeterminate future, and those to follow, are meant to demonstrate, and warn of, the transformational nature of an imminent drone-age shift. The widespread adoption of UAV technology, piggybacked on the inexorable AI surge, will significantly repaint both international power relations and the daily lives of regular people in a manner that few understand. With foresight, or the lack thereof, we will shape the trajectory of inevitable drone developments that are going to permeate every pore of society — from agriculture and medicine to policing and national security. Considering the possible ways in which this strange tapestry of a drone-led future might be stitched together is essential to remaining ahead of the proverbial eight ball. The alternative, ceding control to the whims of fate and chaos and bellicose adversaries, is untenable."

Read on to digest many ways that drones can change our future.
SOURCE URL: https://www.piratewires.com/p/drone-horizons

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