Case For Statutory Law
Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago to Politics
"Statutory law – the law as written – arguably ought to be the only law. Because it’s arguably the only legitimate law, in the sense that it was at least actually voted on/ratified by some of the people, at some point in time. (That whole business is a question for another time.)
Who ratified or voted for case law?
Far fewer people. A handful of mostly appointed lawyers called judges. Some are appointed for life and so completely unaccountable to the people who are subject to the laws they create by “interpreting” the statutory law in such a way as to alter and undermine the plain meaning and intent of the law such that – in time – it is replaced by an entirely new plethora of laws.
That is what “case” law amounts to.
If the words of say the 4th Amendment say no searches or seizures absent probable cause or a warrant based upon that, clearly articulating exactly what’s being searched for, then no searches or seizures. Period. But case law says that law is not actually the law. Case law says there are “compelling state interests” and “exigent circumstances” and other such things that are nowhere to be found in the words of the statute because they are not there.
That’s why it’s now the law that you must submit to a random stop and search when out driving just because you happen to be out driving. It is why you are required to witness against yourself – under penalty of law – when you sign a tax form. Never mind what the Fifth Amendment – which is supposed to be the law – clearly states."
Who ratified or voted for case law?
Far fewer people. A handful of mostly appointed lawyers called judges. Some are appointed for life and so completely unaccountable to the people who are subject to the laws they create by “interpreting” the statutory law in such a way as to alter and undermine the plain meaning and intent of the law such that – in time – it is replaced by an entirely new plethora of laws.
That is what “case” law amounts to.
If the words of say the 4th Amendment say no searches or seizures absent probable cause or a warrant based upon that, clearly articulating exactly what’s being searched for, then no searches or seizures. Period. But case law says that law is not actually the law. Case law says there are “compelling state interests” and “exigent circumstances” and other such things that are nowhere to be found in the words of the statute because they are not there.
That’s why it’s now the law that you must submit to a random stop and search when out driving just because you happen to be out driving. It is why you are required to witness against yourself – under penalty of law – when you sign a tax form. Never mind what the Fifth Amendment – which is supposed to be the law – clearly states."