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  • Posted by $ 3 weeks, 1 day ago
    A new contract joinee to our Program,,,The University of Texas Medical Group operates on Team Program...When you visit them you find they have a 'Team' of doctors you see initially...I saw 5 doctors initially and each one charged $542 for a visit and then wound up with one saying "I can't see what is wrong with you. Duh...I had MRI's BEING passed around my film showing my Pelvis was fractured in 2 places and my tailbone was fractured..ALSO i LANDED ON MY LUMBER SPINE AND ALL DISCS IN THE LUMBER SPINE HAD BEEN HERNIATED. HE WAS A NEUROLOGIST. Then I was sent the bill to pay. under tricare 25 years i haven't received a bill or paid a copay. What the hell is going on? Husband died from service connected inuries. Are we dependants being blown away? nb
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    • Posted by $ sekeres 3 weeks, 1 day ago
      Sounds as if somebody recorded your coverage incorrectly. I have read that 25% of medical bills are erroneous.

      Our county in PA has a dedicated veteran's advocate and our state senator (also a vet) is willing to help his constituents as well. Maybe there's somebody similar where you are?
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