Tucker Carlson Interview of Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Politics
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This interview is 2 hours long but worth a listen.
If you must, play it at fast speed to save time, but definitely listen to it.
Jeffrey Sachs on how Joe Biden has been the most destructive president in American history, and how Donald Trump can repair the damage.

0:00 The Regime Change in Syria
8:48 What Is Greater Israel?
21:45 Were Americans Involved in the Overthrowing of Assad?
34:26 War With China by 2027
40:22 Biden’s Attempt to Sabotage Trump
46:10 The Attempted Coup of South Korea
51:20 Jeffrey Sachs' Warning to Trump of Potential Nuclear War
55:18 Will We See the Declassification of the 9/11 Documents?
1:07:11 Will Trump Pardon Snowden and Assange?
1:16:43 The Most Important Appointment of Trump’s Cabinet
1:26:29 Biden’s Attempt to Kill Putin
1:35:58 Can Trump Bring Peace?
1:45:44 Is War With Iran Inevitable?
1:51:21 Why Corporate Media Hates Jeffrey Sachs

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks0l_Zpt1xA

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