Blue Cross Blue Shield Reverses Controversial Policy Change In Wake Of CEO Murder. [NIFO]

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"In November, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield announced that it would no longer continue to pay for anesthesia over the complete duration of medical procedures for its policyholders in Connecticut, New York, and Missouri. Instead, the healthcare insurer would only pay for anesthesia over a predetermined amount of time. The insurer stated it would rely on parameters categorized as 'physician work time values' by the Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services, a metric healthcare professionals opposed to Anthem's new policy described as arbitrary and unclear.

This meant that if the prescribed time frame for use of anesthesia exceeded those CMS metrics that Anthem would completely deny the bill submitted by anesthesiologists, leaving patients to cover the enormous cost. In an official statement announcing the new policy, Anthem wrote “We will utilize the CMS Physician Work Time values to target the number of minutes reported for anesthesia services. Claims submitted with reported time above the established number of minutes will be denied.” The policy change was set to take effect in February 2025.
Despite the fervent outrage, Anthem remained indignant to the concerns raised by clinicians and public health officials. The insurer was heading into the new year with the policy change set to take effect undeterred. At least, that was until the murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Following Thompson's killing, consummate MSM shill and fake news parasite Taylor Lorenz put Anthem's new policy on anesthesia coverage back into the limelight. Lorenz reposted the press release issued by the ASA to Anthem in November, writing "And people wonder why we want these executives dead," on her account on Bluesky. Just hours after the incendiary post, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield announced that it would be reversing the change in policy and continue to pay for policyholder's anesthesia as it previously had."
See how the cowards react to such a small threat.
If only people started taking NIFO seriously, perhaps the utter corruption in D.C. could be reversed without an actual nuclear attack.
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-12-05/anthem-blue-cross-blue-shield-reverses-controversial-policy-change-wake-united

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months ago
    Add up all your insurances.
    I'll wait.

    It is amongst your highest costs of living.

    Right up there with food, fuel and taxes.
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    • Posted by 3 months ago
      Yes, my car insurance is the largest cost of using my car.
      Go for 30 years not having a claim.
      Then run over a piece of rubber on the road and file a claim for damage.
      Company raised insurance rate to triple the previous rate. Insane!
      (Obviously, I changed to a different company and my rates are 'only'
      a little higher than before.)
      Get the government out of insurance (and every other) business
      (like car manufacturing forced to include 'features' that no one would ever
      buy voluntarily) and let the free market set prices.
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  • Posted by NealS 3 months ago
    Does anyone question why the sign-up ads (radio.TV) are almost every other ad break when Medicare signups are allowed? There has to be huge fortunes for them to work so hard to get new clients.
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    • Posted by 3 months ago
      It was rumored (maybe published) that for each average retiree on
      medicare the insurance companies are paid over $1000 per month
      by fedgov for handling the paperwork and paying for medical services.
      Yes, I think they make a fortune off of the taxpayers for medicare.
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      • Posted by NealS 3 months ago
        I found this (source unknown, just the internet so it has to be true): The government pays Medicare Advantage plans a set rate per person, per year (around $12,000 in 2019, not including Part D–related expenses) under what's known as a risk-based contract. That means that each plan agrees to assume the full risk of providing all care for that inclusive amount.
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        • Posted by 3 months ago
          That sounds it could be the source of the rumor I heard. ;^) The internet never lies.
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          • Posted by NealS 3 months ago
            Brings up another fopa, who determines what's true, or allowed on the interneT? Another quick search, "According to recent data, Medicare pays an average of around $11,844 per person to Medicare Advantage plans, which is significantly more than what they pay for traditional Medicare beneficiaries, with the exact amount varying based on the specific plan and individual needs; this payment covers Part A and Part B benefits provided through the Advantage plan. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+m...
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            • Posted by NealS 3 months ago
              Looks like it might be true. Is this why the left repeats things over and over again, so as we see them over and over again, so they must be true. Brings to mind the murder of George Floyd, and also the insurection during the riot on Jan.6th (another day, that left in imfamy will determine the valitiy of our constitution and our whole way of life in the future.. And then too, "In 2023, Medicare payments to Advantage plans to fund Part A and Part B benefits were $454 billion, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation."
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