FBI Treason Exposed Again. Try them and Fry them.

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"A few days ago, our friend Stephen McIntyre, one of the original Russiagate investigators, sent a tweet to revisit a question that many of us have pondered for years but which has never been fully resolved. As a result, we finally now have the answer. That is because, in response to McIntyre’s tweet, the key figure has come forward to confirm what many of us have suspected all along.

McIntyre's tweet highlighted that, according to the FBI, it was Australian diplomat Alexander Downer who initiated the inception of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. However, the narratives surrounding this event differ significantly between Downer's account in Special Counsel John Durham’s report and the FBI's version. Downer has now stepped forward to affirm Durham's version with a three-word tweet: “Durham is right”. This development carries substantial implications for the entire Russiagate saga, particularly regarding its fraudulent origins.

Downer’s confirmation represents a significant breakthrough in unraveling the final puzzle pieces of Russiagate, not necessarily because the information is new or surprising, but rather because it confirms that the FBI was aware from the outset that its justification for initiating the Trump-Russia investigation was phony."
D.C. NIFO - target FBI
SOURCE URL: https://truthovernews.org/p/alexander-downer-exposes-fbis-deceit

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  • Posted by Lucky 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    Going back a few years, I recall reading about Australian (ex) diplomat Alexander Downer. Seems he was responsible for a few words that set off the entire Russian Conspiracy story. Seemed at that time to me to be out of character, he was a (wishwashy) member of the nominal rightwing party.

    Good to see that at last he is setting the record straight. 'Durham was right'.
    That report was careful and correct, my complaint is that it was under-played.

    A comment suggests he was influenced by a large Clinton Foundation donation, I did not know that they actually gave out money, I thought it was inflow only - ah - memory kicks in, six percent went out.
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