IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns [Banksters Desperate For More Power]
Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"At the height of the covid lockdowns and mandates a massive portion of the global economy was shut down, leading to supply chain instability, huge job losses and a stagflationary crisis. However, climate change propagandists argued that the event was actually a positive for the planet when it was revealed that emissions fell by 5.4%. They asserted that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called "climate lockdowns" - Presenting a plan for scheduled disruptions to global economic activity as a means to slow the effects of climate change.
Globalists also presented climate lockdowns as a kind of collective social punishment in the event that populations refused to cut carbon output on their own. As World Economic Forum "Agenda Contributor" Mariana Mazzucato argued in 2020:
"Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.
Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected..."
After a public uproar over the notion of extending pandemic lockdowns into climate lockdowns, the establishment media would go on to "Fact Check" the issue and assert that it was a "conspiracy theory." They lied."
"At the height of the covid lockdowns and mandates a massive portion of the global economy was shut down, leading to supply chain instability, huge job losses and a stagflationary crisis. However, climate change propagandists argued that the event was actually a positive for the planet when it was revealed that emissions fell by 5.4%. They asserted that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called "climate lockdowns" - Presenting a plan for scheduled disruptions to global economic activity as a means to slow the effects of climate change.
Globalists also presented climate lockdowns as a kind of collective social punishment in the event that populations refused to cut carbon output on their own. As World Economic Forum "Agenda Contributor" Mariana Mazzucato argued in 2020:
"Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.
Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected..."
After a public uproar over the notion of extending pandemic lockdowns into climate lockdowns, the establishment media would go on to "Fact Check" the issue and assert that it was a "conspiracy theory." They lied."
Please Look up "Thunderstorm Plasmoid Generator".
Turns any ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) into an clean oxygen generator.
This is a Disruptive Technology that will change the world.
Better still, the design specifications and data are all Open Source!
The days of blaming Climate Change on burning Hydrocarbon Fuels has just slammed into a brick wall.
Very difficult to reverse a system so entrenched and self-perpetuating. Good luck.
I had kinda thought this was 'something recent' until I read "The God of the Machine" by Paterson. That book was written in 1943.
2) Control of our finances through the banking system.
3) Creating a drag on or economic system through over-taxation and implementing of socialist policies that hamstring individuals.
In short, you're free to do anything you want, as long as it's within the boundaries of what 'they' want you to do.
I was parked on the side of a rural road once, just talking with a girl. Cop comes up, checks license and registration, tells me to 'move on'. It's a 'free country'. Apparently I can park on the side of the road anywhere I like, just, for some reason, not right here. The whole country has gotten like that now.
This can be useful, if you can remember to do it, when you have been driving too long and have stopped, in a safe and proper place, for a nap. Suddenly a cop has woken you up and is ordering you to drive elsewhere.
To see what the problems actually are, "Restoring the American Dream" (1979) by Robert Ringer. Everything in that book is still relevant, just the stakes are much, much higher now. I have two copies of that one, one for me, and one to loan out.
I recommend the film The Century of the Self. It revealed a lot of Bernays activities and how he developed propaganda from Freud's work in psychoanalysis.