Cooking Oils Used By Millions Linked To Cancer In Second Study In A Week

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 3 weeks ago to Science
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"Imagine if something as common as the oil in your kitchen could be silently contributing to cancer. For millions around the world, this unsettling possibility has moved from speculation to science. Two studies, released just days apart, have cast a harsh spotlight on widely used cooking oils, suggesting a troubling connection between their consumption and increased cancer risks, particularly in the colon.

These findings are not just scientific footnotes—they are alarms ringing in households globally, where seed oils like sunflower, soybean, and canola are staples in daily cooking. As scientists dive deeper into the health consequences of these oils, they’re uncovering a hidden cost to convenience and affordability. Are we sacrificing long-term health for short-term savings? And if so, how can we protect ourselves from this unseen risk?

What the Studies Reveal: Key Findings
In two groundbreaking studies released just days apart, researchers have spotlighted a concerning link between widely used cooking oils and cancer risks, specifically pointing to tumor growth in the colon and other organs. These studies raise critical questions about the health implications of seed oils, a staple in kitchens worldwide.

One study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, focused on the effects of certain oils on cancer progression. Dr. William Aronson, a professor of urology at UCLA School of Medicine who led the study, stated: “Our findings suggest that something as simple as adjusting your diet could potentially slow cancer growth and extend the time before more aggressive interventions are needed.” His team’s research suggests that dietary changes could be pivotal in managing the progression of diseases like prostate cancer.

Meanwhile, another study examined how the consumption of seed oils, such as sunflower and soybean oils, could increase levels of carcinogenic compounds in the body. These compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are known to play a role in tumor development. The findings have sparked further investigation into the safety of these oils and their processing methods, especially when exposed to high heat during cooking.

Together, these studies provide a sobering glimpse into the risks associated with cooking oils that millions consider harmless. By focusing on the potential long-term impacts, the researchers aim to ignite a broader conversation about diet, lifestyle, and cancer prevention."

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yet these are the same oils we were told we had to switch to, so we wouldn't die of heart disease. How long, do you think, before there is a study linking kale to cancer.

    A standing joke in our household is that cancer is actually caused by oxygen. Deprive 1000 rats of oxygen and not a single one will die of cancer! Covid, maybe ...
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      Just a couple days ago I was talking to a young lady at my gym who's going to college next year to play soccer and get her education. Back when I played college football they told us "you don't need any more protein than anybody else. You just need more carbs." They were totally wrong and we were a bunch of doughboys. Lately on Linkedin a young man I follow covered the story about how doctors in the US used to think it was appropriate to subject black people to higher power settings in xrays based on the false premise that their bones are more dense. My comment on his story is that, no matter what scewups our medical system was doing throughout history...we were always 100% sure we were right. Same thing here. This morning, as I was pulling my organic catsup out of the fridge I looked at it and thought, "The FDA doesn't know anything about health. If they did, they'd know about the microbiome and that subjecting it to an herbicide like roundup (all of our food, practically). They don't know anything, it seems. It's really nuts how stupid we've been. But, the average person has to trust "the system".

      Like that famous line from the movie Animal House..."You f*&cked up. You trusted us!"

      Another one of my favorite personal statements. "With mamograms they mash your breast every year and radiate it. After 20 years of that they say, 'Look! We found cancer!'"....
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