Why Does the Deep State Want World War 3?
Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"Russia has already stated that if American-provided and American-guided missiles are fired by Keeeeeeeeevvvvv into Russia it will be looked upon much the same way that Americans would have looked upon Russian-provided and guided missiles had they been fired by the regime in Cuba toward America.
The question at hand is why the “green light” has reportedly been given. Do these maniacs not understand that Russia will likely react much the same to American-provided missiles guided by Americans blowing up things (including Russians) within Russia as Americans would have reacted to Russian-provided missiles guided by Russian technicians fired from Cuba blowing up things (including Americans) within America?
Or is that precisely the reaction these maniacs are wanting to provoke?
That may be exactly the answer.
It begs another why?
And the answer to that could as simple as these maniacs wanting the excuse of a real war – in the sense that it would really affect Americans, in America – in order to provide the excuse needed to belay the ascension of the Orange Man to the presidency he has been elected to assume. "
"Russia has already stated that if American-provided and American-guided missiles are fired by Keeeeeeeeevvvvv into Russia it will be looked upon much the same way that Americans would have looked upon Russian-provided and guided missiles had they been fired by the regime in Cuba toward America.
The question at hand is why the “green light” has reportedly been given. Do these maniacs not understand that Russia will likely react much the same to American-provided missiles guided by Americans blowing up things (including Russians) within Russia as Americans would have reacted to Russian-provided missiles guided by Russian technicians fired from Cuba blowing up things (including Americans) within America?
Or is that precisely the reaction these maniacs are wanting to provoke?
That may be exactly the answer.
It begs another why?
And the answer to that could as simple as these maniacs wanting the excuse of a real war – in the sense that it would really affect Americans, in America – in order to provide the excuse needed to belay the ascension of the Orange Man to the presidency he has been elected to assume. "