Absence of US

Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago to News
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I have been reading about anti-ISIS airstrikes and about national efforts to fight ebola. I noticed a point of commonality in these reports: The efforts of other nations were detailed but the contributions of the US were entirely absent. For instance, 'France promises 100 beds' to be built for care of ebola patients but the US promising to build 17 facilities with 100 beds each was missing from mention. (There was a list of countries and what they pledged to contribute.) Similarly, a ME ally against ISIS is lauded for contributing 2 fighters...but in the list of contributors, no mention is made of the support brought by the US.

I generally read Fox, which is pro-military, and I am wondering if what I read there holds true of other media sources as well. Has anyone else noticed this?


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