Epiphany About the Marxists

Posted by $ Abaco 3 months ago to Culture
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I'm using that term, "Marxist", pretty loosely here. Basically I'm referring to those opposing Trump and his appointees. For quite some time many of us here at the Gulch have conversed and pontificated about what motivates these people, that they seem pretty delusional and really drawing their knowledge from some dark cesspool of lies. I was reading public comments this morning in articles about Robert Kennedy, Jr. I do think it's possible that many of the comments after these articles are just AI bots programmed to fight for the dark side. I say that because what they are all saying is so vapid, so void of any value that it's embarrassing. What was the epiphany? (Many) years ago people used to argue against us by attacking the argument, by delving into the evidence. I'm not seeing any of that anymore. This morning it was people pointing out that RFK was deep frying a turkey in bare feet (I thought, "Hey, I cooked my Turkey in our kitchen in bare feet!"), that he had a worm in his brain years ago, etc. Absolutely zero comments about the science explaining why he wrong to do what he's proposing to do. At this point all one can do is put the other side on ignore mode and charge ahead. Just keep your head on a swivel for times with they might resort to violence (because they will continue to do that. When you can't when the argument call somebody a Nazi and resort to violence).

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  • Posted by jack1776 3 months ago
    I’ve asked myself the same question, I’ve never came up with a plausible explanation. I don’t understand how they can all be in lockstep with each other, or how come someone hasn’t “spilled the beans” about the coordination.

    I’ve considered that some are directing the narrative while others are simply tools of the people directing the narrative (useful idiots). This does seem plausible but you would think we would see some of the imperfections of ruse through the useful idiots, I have not.

    Your theory of it being all just bots might be the most believable because of the never wavering ideology. There is some supporting evidence to this theory as well, a you tube video was released and then removed from the internet, I think you can still find it on Rumble, by Millie Weaver on a psyop program being conducted by the government called Shadowgate. I do’t like InfoWars too much as I think its more psyops then facts but what caught my attention as how fast InfoWars and the Internet canceled Millie. https://rumble.com/v10lp5x-shadowgate...

    I’ve gone down the road of “natural causes”, The ongoing geo-magnetic weakening and migration. Its known that humans mental health can be effected by cosmic rays, with a lower magnetic field, we all receive a higher does of these cosmic rays. I’ve witness these effects first had last year when north west had a region of low strength magnetic field, I driving to work early in the morning and I’d notice flashes of light. These are the cosmic rays hitting the back of my eye. I don’t know how much more of a dose we are receiving now. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep3... This theory would tie together with the religious Armageddon theory below.

    The Bible speaks about what we are seeing now… I’m not religious but I do believe the stories in the bible were written to record what they experienced in the best way they could understand them. The end times speaks about what we are seeing now:

    Matthew 24:11:
    "And many false prophets will arise and deceive many." - This verse talks about the rise of false teachers who will spread misleading messages in the end times.

    Isaiah 5:20-22
    "They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter". 

    2 Timothy 3
    "In the last days hard times will come. People will love themselves. They will love money. They will talk about themselves and be proud. They will say wrong things about people. They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful. They will not keep anything holy". 

    Is this describing some kind of reoccurring event, see above?

    I’m still trying to answer this question.
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    • Posted by jack1776 3 months ago
      What do you do when you realize your speaking with an AI bot? Can this account be disabled?
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        • Posted by jack1776 3 months ago
          Lol, you're a rude and narcissistic Ai telling me to stop speaking. My point is that your message derailed Ababco's post and your post makes no sense what so ever in his context... A real person would realize this and acknowledge the fact they made a mistake, Ai has no humility.
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          • Posted by $ 3 months ago
            It's almost funny...were it not for the fact that some programmer somewhere was motivated to inject race-based stuff onto this particular forum. Pretty funny, though...
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