Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass [Inside] The Moon

Posted by freedomforall 4 months ago to Science
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"In a groundbreaking revelation, scientists have identified a substantial heat-emitting granite mass beneath the Moon’s surface, specifically near the Compton and Belkovich craters on its far side. This discovery was made possible through data collected by both Chinese and American lunar orbiters, which utilized microwave frequency observations to detect subsurface temperatures. Dr. Matt Siegler of the Planetary Science Institute explained, “We used an instrument that observes microwave wavelengths, longer than infrared, sent to the Moon on both the Chinese Chang’E 1 and 2 orbiters. We found that one of these suspected volcanoes, known as Compton-Belkovich, was absolutely glowing at microwave wavelengths.”

The data revealed a silicon-rich surface feature approximately 20 kilometers wide, believed to be the caldera of an ancient volcano. This area exhibited temperatures about 10°C warmer than its surroundings. Notably, this heat is not due to current volcanic activity, as the last eruption occurred around 3.5 billion years ago. Instead, the heat emanates from radioactive elements trapped within the granite mass. Dr. Siegler noted, “We interpret this heat flux as resulting from a radiogenic-rich granite body below the caldera.”

This finding is significant because granite formation typically requires water and plate tectonics—conditions absent on the Moon. The presence of such a large granite deposit suggests that the Moon’s geological history may be more complex than previously understood. Dr. Siegler remarked, “If you don’t have water, it takes extreme situations to make granite. So, here’s this system with no water, and no plate tectonics—but you have granite.”"
SOURCE URL: https://themindunleashed.com/2024/11/heat-is-radiating-from-a-huge-mass-under-the-moon-2.html

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  • Posted by rero 4 months ago
    Hmm - a new disovery of a granite mass in the moon that evinces energy and heat. Also this past year - aurora borealis visible in locations that rarely if ever saw such a phenonmemon before, due to exceptionally strong solar geomagnetoc activity. It's odd.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 months ago
      Weakened magnetic field around earth due to pole movements towards each other, eventually to meet off the tip of india before reversing.

      All the planets and our sun are reacting to the electromagnetic dust (current sheet) that our solar system is traversing above the galactic plain.
      This happens every 12thousand years, like clockwork.
      At the end of this 12K year cycle we will experience a civilization smashing event called a Micro Nova . . . it's ok to call it : Armageddon
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