Trump Fail 2.0

Posted by nonconformist 4 months ago to Politics
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Looks like Trump is surrounding himself with the wrong people again. That did not take long to manifest. I predicted this was going to happen. The guy has a real problem with picking people. You guys on this forum are high on hopium. Trump was not much better of an option.

What's going to happen now is the same old baloney that happened the first go around and then some.

If tariffs are put in place, shit will really hit the fan in terms of inflation. Also, income tax will never be removed, so, prepare to be double taxed to death.

One of Trump's "bright" ideas is to have the federal gov buy and hodl Bitcoin. So, they are going to be borrowing trillions for that. This money will increase money supply without doing anything useful (just making tech bros rich), as they will be just hodling the Bitcoin indefinitely. WTF?

This MF is going down no matter who is in charge!

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