Classes at Harvard, Penn, Columbia, Swarthmore and others canceled over Trump win.
Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago to Philosophy
"Many professors canceled classes this week in the wake of Donald Trump’s re-election to the Oval Office, citing the emotional needs and trauma of students.
Some scholars from at least three Ivy League schools canceled classes: Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and Columbia."
Get a job. Oops, you can't because you have no ability to even get out of bed.
I guess over 60's will have to go back to work to save America.
"Many professors canceled classes this week in the wake of Donald Trump’s re-election to the Oval Office, citing the emotional needs and trauma of students.
Some scholars from at least three Ivy League schools canceled classes: Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and Columbia."
Get a job. Oops, you can't because you have no ability to even get out of bed.
I guess over 60's will have to go back to work to save America.
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- 2Posted by JohnRandALL 4 months, 2 weeks agoAnd if their classes weren't canceled, they were offered ice cream, and crossword puzzles, to help them cope. No company should hire anyone from these Ivy League schools.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|