Crisis Actors - still love them

Posted by $ Abaco 4 months ago to Humor
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For some reason, few things make me laugh like crisis actors. Just about all the mass shootings we've had there are people pointing out discrepancies. Was just watching one where they showed civilians carrying victims toward the Pulse nightclub after that incident...while first-responders are standing around. So discrepant. Doesn't make any sense when pointed out, yet it makes the news. I always think back about that one lady who was at multiple shootings being interviewed on the street, including 9/11. She was eventually ID'd as a federal contractor from South America. Don't know why I find it so funny. But, it always cracks me up. The most obvious example was that Sandy Hook dad who was yucking it up on camera, then steadies himself and steps to the mic with a sad face. Perhaps these incidences actually happen. Either way, the addition of these obvious little staged clips are amazing....

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