Autism and Homelessness

Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 1 week ago to Culture
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After raising a son with autism and some related behavioral issues, and after talking to various homeless people I came to the hypothesis that the spread of the autism epidemic affecting young men the past 30 years has greatly augmented America's homeless crisis by adding a substantial quantity of "mentally ill" people to the homeless population. Families often are unable to care for an autistic male in his 20s so out the door he goes. This has been reflected in various conversations I've had with young homeless men. Many are very nice guys. Many do not seem to be on drugs. A lot of them are physically capable men in their 20s. Why is that? Well....I detect autism regularly when speaking to them. It's not the only problem, surely. But I think it's substantial. It would be surprising to most people who get their news from the MSM because according to the MSM the autism problem hasn't gotten any worse...and "nothing causes it...accordingly to our advertisers". So, why am I bringing this up again? Because I decided to search for any related research. What I found was a study saying that 12% of homeless women are autistic. What's the problem with that? Well...for every autistic female there are 3 to 4 autistic males. You can probably extrapolate from that without my help.

America has been damaging its babies. I knew it wouldn't end well. I could be all wrong. But, if I'm likely heard it here first...

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  • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
    Here's some math. 38% of homeless are women. 12% of those are autistic. That's 4.6% of all homeless. For every autistic female the DSM says there are 4 males with it. That's 18.4% of homeless being males with autism. That's 23%. This is based on numbers they're giving us (and somewhat hiding) and, in my opinion, is conservative. Makes one think... I found it funny that the study was on females. It's like putting out a study on how few females have prostate cancer due to the success of Obamacare...
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 month, 1 week ago
    That is an interesting thought, since autism is now about 1 in every 30 in our schools. It is a rampant problem, with still no certain cause, probably multifactorial. And no real effective treatment. Homelessness is a BIG problem here in Colorado Springs where I live, for various reasons, even though the climate is brutal. There is no doubt mental illness and drug abuse are the biggest factors, but I would not be surprised if a significant number are autistic.
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    • Posted by $ 1 month, 1 week ago
      Yeah...I group autism in with mental illness as it's in the DSM. And, mental illness often accompanies autism into adulthood. Crap like's brutal. My son, 19, had an episode lately night and I was up from 1 till 3 am. Doesn't happen very often, luckily.
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