Why Does Kama-Haha Keep Repeating Her Quote? "What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been?"
Posted by Aeronca 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Philosophy
Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? Basically, she's intelligent, and evil. She's not stupid at all. She will "Nail-house" anyone who opposes her.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDX5q30V_-E
She is a Marxist and should not be voted into office. It is a straight line to a Communist USA. Let everyone know this. She acts like a dumb person but the is a very smart, strategic and calculated person behind that stupid laugh.
What past does she wants to be "unburdened" by?
The Constitution?
The Holy Bible?
The morals and morays that have served us so well for thousands of years?
As others have noted, to get society to move on to Communism/Marxism/NWO one must obliterate the past.
Brainwashing/MK-Ultra if you, will.
Being "unburdened by the past" is like burning your hand on the stove.
So then, as you are "unburdened by the past", tomorrow you burn yourself again, because you didn't learn from yesterdays mistake.
Rinse and repeat.
Kabala isn't just the definition of insanity, she is the very definition of Stupidity
I agree.
She was "Selected", precisely because of the fact of her ability to be fully controlled.
Either through traditional blackmail, or simply because she is just so very, very dumb.
What really, really shocks me is how many people can't see through all the lies and BS.
She is dumb as a box of rocks. (apologies to rocks everywhere) and people just don't see it.
I know, I know. People have a terminal case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
But really kids, you're going to hit your face with a shovel to shoo off a fly?
It's like we are living in an episode of The Twilight Zone™
Did someone spike the water supply with LSD?
My God people: LOOK! THINK!
It's not about You.
It's about the good of the Republic and all future generations.
And as an added bonus, yes, we too will live better under Trump.
Why am I quite quickly concluding she is referring to the U.S. Constitution?
Or that combined with the sum total of United States history?
Do believe we all can then go figure "What can be" in her far left mind.
2 Yes
3 Total governmental control.
Unfortunately, so does Kommiela in her own warped sick and twisted evil way.
After Nazi Germany fell, there were trials. Nazi Germany ultimately had to say "Sorry, bad idea."
Communist Russia got away with murder and no one ever apologized. The communists melted away into the landscape. There are many people alive today who committed crimes against humanity for Communism and they are living comfortably.
How does one go from being considered a "Liability" (their words) on June the 7th 2024, to the unelected, celebrated, nominee on June the 24th?
As my parents would say: "There's something rotten in Denmark"
She's just a puppet, saying what her handlers are telling her to say.
The only way to get there is to be absent the mind, which comes with, not just introspection but a conscience as well and to be only 2 parts is to have one part malfunctioning. Namely the connection between the left and right brain.
That automatically takes out the subconscious which leads to the conscience and the mind.
What would you call a person like that? Well, they are kind of a robot or "Humanoid".
So, which ever part of their brain is highly efficient, it all matters not because the "What" that keeps it all in check and whole, is non existent. Just like the "Bicamerals" of Julian Jaynes; however, they are somewhat aware but use only half their brain.
No matter the IQ score, their still "Dumb".
She would have had to "Learn" morals as a bicameral. (like wrote memory) but she was never taught.
Morals come easy for those that gain introspection. (Consciousness).
Like I said: she is a "Parasitical Humanoid".
I like this guy in the video, I've listened to him before. He is a Big Picture thinker like myself, only he has the intellectual credibility I lack.
It's all theory and being master of none but interested in all things, fitting all the pieces together is habit forming . . . I know, for I am that way too but without the street creds.
They are so dumb they can't even practice Communism correctly . . .LMAO
The communist menace killed a lot of people but they want to literally screw everyone to death and then "Lunch" on the remains up to their deemed 500 million rule-able subjects.
It's a more perverse communism they seek, is my observation.
I listened to Eric on a variety of subjects and was impressed with his retention of History, much of which I was not familiar. His insights, opinions and theories restarted my brain and saved it from boredom. He is careful and qualifies his musings.
Is he right all the time? probably not but how he got there is what interests me, always something to learn.
Kind of like Our back and fourth on interesting subjects. Even Tin Men know more than they realize.
It means: "There is no reality that can't be changed."
There's nothing worse than having your reality suddenly and inexplicably changed, altered or eliminated and it's always foisted upon you by people who simply want what you have built or produced instead of working toward their own.
I would upvote a thousand points if I could. This is the mental equivalent to the physical principle “Might Makes Right”
My only question; Do you think she actually believes that her words have any relation to the real world (Seeing, Reason, and Logic)?
Or is it possible she knows that her words are bullshit and she is, merely, getting away with hoodwinking the unwashed; viz. We the People?
Lincoln comes to mind, e.g. You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
OTOH, always judge an American patriot or anti-communist by the lies that communists projectile vomit.
(I've been in NYC for 4 days and the lack of rational thought and intense vacuity is quite tiring.)
What a ploy! The Communists are screamingbto Vote for them.because theybare defending Democracy! Choose your tyrant!