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    Posted by mhubb 2 months, 1 week ago
    the GOP has and had a very narrow margin

    and right now the goal is to get Trump in office

    so take a few deep breaths and chill
    we are going to have a long 4 years
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 1 week ago
      I see that we have, at most, two more years. This is when they'll cheat to take back the majority in Congress. And...frankly...Trump's security detail better be the best in the world or we'll have less than that.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months, 1 week ago
    Keeping up with that bit of news, my thoughts exactly, free.
    Reminds me of Pence who I disliked without a clue until the toad showed his true colors by doing his bit to certify Crooked Joe's "won" election that big time stunk like all hell.
    Trump said one reason he supported Speaker Johnson was his being outspoken about his religion.
    I'm a Christian (don't you love me now?) who learned long time ago to be wary of those into such virtue signaling. Con men just love that kind of Schiff. Just ask Jim Jones if you care to visit hell.
    I can site several examples should any of you care to read them. Here's a minor example~~
    Retied state corrections officer me still recalls talking to two GED teachers at the prison when one convicted felon walked to kissing up to proclaim "You know, I'm a Christian kinda guy (and bla, bla, bla)"
    As that inmate walked on, one teacher sardonically said to the other, "Yeah, I bet he's one hell of a Christian kinda guy."
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 1 week ago
    I took several days off over the holiday break and this allowed me to relax, reflect, and ponder some things. In looking back at Trump's actions over the last several years I realized that he is probably a lot more concerned about his reputation than we might think. He is concerned about how people see him and his reputation. That is antithetical to what he needs to get done, really. But...He'll be what he was last time...a speedbump in the path of the globalists and Marxists. If there are no incitements, no criminals sent away within the first 30 days we'll know where we sit on this. Had a couple friends visiting for New Year's. They're from California. We're all convinced Newsom will run next time. I think if he runs, he wins. He's the slickest politician in human history and he'll win even if California is just a smoldering pile of human feces...Which is not an exaggeration. That may be exactly what it is in a few years at this rate...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 months, 1 week ago
    Some how he is useful and controllable for Trump.
    The only hint of proof of that statement is that the House abandon the 1500 page monstrosity and brokered a more beneficial 116 page bill.
    Johnson, (he embarrasses my ancestors) also-(urged to by Trump?) released the 1500 pg bill (and Elon posts it on X) so we all could read it.
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  • Posted by richvwall 2 months, 1 week ago
    Hey, Republicans, get together and use Johnson just this once to get Trump certified. Then Johnson can be dumped later.
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    • Posted by northerner777 2 months, 1 week ago
      That's the key argument I've heard many times, with our thin margin the absolute priority is getting the vote certified. If "we" allow that to get effed up by some idiot floor fight over speaker we again will eff up our already susceptible reputation to the Crime Syndicate SOBs and they'll spew their usual BS that the uninformed will buy into making our situation worse. Such is our reality.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 1 week ago
      Yup. The real battlefield has been the six inches between the ears. The fake news spews lies and propaganda . Normies have woken up, but old habits….. We have the narrative . The enemy has been in control for thousands of years but it is rotten and the stench is unbearable. They will use any trick or chaos they can muster. MKUltra activated ? What the have done before they will do again. It’s weird that 6 months ago they tried to have Trumps head splattered on TV in Butler. Ancient history already.
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  • Posted by northerner777 2 months, 1 week ago
    Clearer heads are speaking otherwise. I've heard a couple and the point being we Repubs/Conservatives sully our reputations all too often by our ill picked fights recent years. The focus must be on our very thin margin in the House. We can't afford an ill picked battle. In spite of Johnson's flaws a apparent lack of 'nads, he's still Speaker and I just heard he got the vote and is safe. We need to hold on to the "ammo" we have even if it has some duds in the box. We've too often unwisely picked out what turned out to be wrong fights to pick and damaged our reputation. The Left will immediately take advantage of any "blood in our water" and pounce to our disadvantage. We need to hold on to what we have and go after the Crime Syndicate scum in both houses.
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    • Posted by 2 months, 1 week ago
      Those "clearer heads" are the same traitors that have been screwing the people for decades.
      Again we hear the SOS?
      GOP's been making that irrational excuse for 30 years and it's just a damned lie to excuse the guilt of the GOP traitors.
      You don't win by giving in to treason. Settling (again) for a little slower theft by the Deep State is insane.
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      • Posted by northerner777 2 months, 1 week ago
        I get your point but over the years both sides have picked lousy fights that ended up biting them in each of their respective asses and the GOP has done that too often, granted. But the arguments have said that with the thin margin in the House a wrong fight could turn out exactly that with an opposite result from what we want. Yes, stand our ground but with wisdom. Pick a winnable fight not one that will cost us dearly in the long run. There undoubtedly have been too many of them. And why when the GOP gets their advantages they eff them up with bad decisions. Yes, we've often yelled uselessly at them for a not standing up to the DNC and telling them to eff off when they obviously should have. I'll let more qualified colleagues here decide if this should have been one of those fights.
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  • Posted by NealS 2 months, 1 week ago
    Perhaps they should elect Newton Leroy McPherson as speaker of the house. They might be able to sneak him in under that name.
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