Trump Supports the TRAITOR Johnson - Donald, Get A Clue. You were elected to crush scum like speaker Johnson.
Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 1 week ago to Politics
Speaker Johnson is the worst kind of traitor. Try and execute.
the GOP has and had a very narrow margin
and right now the goal is to get Trump in office
so take a few deep breaths and chill
we are going to have a long 4 years
Allying with traitors is not a good strategy.
That has been tried for the past 100 years and has never succeeded in reducing tyranny.
Well have to see what goes down, our boy has not crossed the finish line just yet.
Reminds me of Pence who I disliked without a clue until the toad showed his true colors by doing his bit to certify Crooked Joe's "won" election that big time stunk like all hell.
Trump said one reason he supported Speaker Johnson was his being outspoken about his religion.
I'm a Christian (don't you love me now?) who learned long time ago to be wary of those into such virtue signaling. Con men just love that kind of Schiff. Just ask Jim Jones if you care to visit hell.
I can site several examples should any of you care to read them. Here's a minor example~~
Retied state corrections officer me still recalls talking to two GED teachers at the prison when one convicted felon walked to kissing up to proclaim "You know, I'm a Christian kinda guy (and bla, bla, bla)"
As that inmate walked on, one teacher sardonically said to the other, "Yeah, I bet he's one hell of a Christian kinda guy."
The only hint of proof of that statement is that the House abandon the 1500 page monstrosity and brokered a more beneficial 116 page bill.
Johnson, (he embarrasses my ancestors) also-(urged to by Trump?) released the 1500 pg bill (and Elon posts it on X) so we all could read it.
Again we hear the SOS?
GOP's been making that irrational excuse for 30 years and it's just a damned lie to excuse the guilt of the GOP traitors.
You don't win by giving in to treason. Settling (again) for a little slower theft by the Deep State is insane.
I never will again. NIFO