When Will "Brave" Police Defend The Public Against Bad Laws?

Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 1 week ago to Government
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"a body-armored cop who is armed to the teeth wants us to believe his “safety” is at risk when he pulls over an unarmed “civilian” (as are cops, who are also in fact civilians who like to pretend they’re military) who isn’t wearing body armor and does not have the might of the government backing him up.

It is risible as well as poltroonish.

It is also now what it wasn’t, once. There was a time when cops were expected to put their “safety” at risk for the sake of the people they agreed to “serve and protect.” They were expected to be the ones to run toward the sound of gunshots. And we expected them to be willing to assume the risk that we might be armed and dangerous when they pulled us over for some petty traffic infraction – but not to presume we are and treat us all as if we were."
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2024/12/27/officer-safety-2/

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