T minus 168 and counting

Posted by $ rainman0720 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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Well, this time next Tuesday night we'll know one of two things: Either our republic is on life support, or we've crossed the rubicon.

I know I've got my tin foil hat back on, but if it's looking more and more like a Trump electoral blowout, I still believe something will happen. I've mentioned this in The Gulch before, and there were a lot of possibilities thrown around, like the Microsoft outage in July just being a trial run for what they're really planning should Trump be so far ahead that they can't manufacture enough votes again to defeat him.

Simply put, I don't believe the DS will ever let Trump be declared the winner.

To be totally honest, I've never been scared before about the outcome of a presidential election. But I am scared--no, I'm terrified--about this one.

To paraphrase: Someone once said that the country can survive an idiot in office, but it might not be able to survive the morons who elected him.

I'm not sure I can agree with that any longer. I don't think our country can survive even one term of a Kamala Harris presidency.

I've loved my time here in The Gulch. I've met some absolutely incredible and wonderful people, souls that I would like to meet IRL should the chance ever present itself. But if she wins, this place (and others like it) will be taken offline so goddamned fast that we'll never see it coming.

Like I said, I'm scared.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    You should be thrilled. It’s the first election where you can see the corrupt uniparty in full day light. Should you be less scared having Obama gone through two Obama presidencies ,and not understand he was installed. This attack on US has been going on for decadesBeing awake is a gift. If she wins? Cheating and stealing is not winning. Anyone with eyes can see Trump is the most popular president in history. Period. Fight for your Freedom and life , don’t cower. Perhaps a sting operation is underway.
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    • Posted by $ 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      A lot to sift through...

      No way I can be thrilled at the possibility of not only having a second election stolen, but who that would install as prez.

      Yeah, the corruption is front and center, but so what? As deeply rooted as the corruption is, there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

      If she's president-elect on November 6, she wins. The DS wins. The onslaught against our republic is over. Bad guys win, good guys lose. End of story.

      Trump may be the post popular president in history, but again, so what? If they succeed again in preventing him from sitting in the White House, his popularity doesn't mean a damn thing, other than in our "I remember the good old days" conversations.

      Sorry to be such a downer.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        Nope not a lot to sift through. 8 yrs ago , even 4 years ago most people were blind to the uniparty corruption. I was told to put on my tinfoil hat over and over again back then on this board. Today many who denied the reality are saying exactly what they called me a kook for. The Great Awakening required that the people be shown not told. I tried to do the telling and mostly fell on deaf ears, but now the majority has seen it. You have to know the problem to fix it. People know now. When Trump is inaugurated no one will remember what I have said. This whole op has been the most unsatisfying “I told you so” in history.
        Many choose the path of least resistance.
        For many you cannot tell them the truth.
        You must show them.
        Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
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    • Posted by $ 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      I almost know Anthem by heart. Every time I wish it could be a longer work, I again realize that it's perfect as written.

      What (or, in thinking about 1984, IF) they write about us in the future will be entirely determined by what happens next Tuesday.
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        • Posted by $ 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          Agree completely; the two ideologies cannot co-exist. One is the ideology of sanity, logic, objectivity, and as you point out reason and human nature. The other is the anti- of all of them.

          And freedom dying is one reason why this election scares me. That outcome seems quite possible, a concept I never thought I would consider, much less admit to.
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