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  • Posted by 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    And now the leftist lying scum Washington Post (Bezos owned) has announced they won't endorse anyone.
    Wapo Chicken$#it Bezos thinks this will protect them if Trump overcomes the obvious Democrat cheating ??
    Let's hope the Wapo and Bezos get exactly what lying traitors should get as punishment.
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      • Posted by 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        If 'endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election' then there was no effect
        by the censorship that has been done by Bezos' WaPo, NYT, LATimes, and by
        Bezos' fellow billionaires suppressing truth on Facebook, Wikipedia, and LinkedIn,
        or by articles representing views opposing the fedgov on None of the
        censorship of the facts about Covid19 or the effective inexpensive treatments for it
        or the falsehoods published regarding the so-called vaccine's effectiveness were
        needed because people are never affected by published or spoken word.
        Bezoz is a lying waste of skin.
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          • Posted by 4 months, 2 weeks ago
            Hollywood is about as far left and corrupted as one can go.
            If you've watched any movies or tv in this century you'll have recognized that
            white men are portrayed as evil, murderous, wife-beating, thieving, selfish,
            shiftless, child-abusive, rapist, sociopathic, racist, misogynistic, hate-filled,
            moronic criminals.
            Review the villains in 21st century drama and 99.9% will be white men, even
            though the evidence is that a much larger percentage of black men are actually
            the perpetrators of such crimes and are more likely to have the traits mentioned.
            When a black or brown man is portrayed as a criminal by the entertainment
            moguls, invariably he isn't responsible for his actions because he was either
            forced to do so by a white man or he had a difficult childhood in a bad
            neighborhood where the police always accused blacks of crime without evidence.
            Hollywood is at least as guilty of this rubbish as newspapers trying to earn favors
            from D.C. corrupt politicians or advertising revenues from Big Pharma.

            Perhaps Trump should punish them by banning all advertising by Big Pharma
            which would have the effect of cutting tv ad revenues by about 40%.
            There's a job for Kennedy.
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    • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      IF Trump wins, the win be only be for 4 y ears of court battles and then the eventual fall into destruction of what we know of in the USA. Too bad
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