The Terrors of Ideological Warfare in Israel and Gaza

Posted by WDonway 5 months ago to Philosophy
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"The foremost twentieth-century philosopher of the Enlightenment, Ayn Rand, defined political ideology as “a set of principles aimed at establishing or maintaining a certain social system; it is a program of long-range action, with the principles serving to unify and integrate particular steps into a consistent course. It is only by means of principles that men can project the future and choose their actions accordingly."

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  • Posted by Lucky 5 months ago
    A good historical review, thanks. WDonway.
    It was good to see Ayn Rand mentioned as an important philosopher.

    That Islamism (distinguish from Islam) is supported in areas with a predominant Muslim population can be understood.
    I explain the support from China and the ex-Soviets as just pragmatism (the enemy of my enemy is my friend).
    But why it appears to have support in the West, eg on US university campuses, needs some thought. I put it down to the worship of failure. The spread of intellectual degeneration associated with Marxism has led to support of failure in groups that can be classed as victims even tho' the problem is irrationality, indolence, and superstition in those groups.
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