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Learn to code, libtards!
What a stark difference in Department Of Health leadership. Not to mention those Petes!
I see Democrats can't track money worth a lying Schiff.
So that's why I've always make my coffee at home.
Deep State criminal creeps turn my stomach.
And now it's time for me dino's late afternoon nap.
Loved the un-tracked $$.
I hope that plane is shot down over Cuba.
Is that true about Pelosi and Feinstein, DOB?
(I do wish creative people used spell check though: conceived, not concieved.)
Of course, there are always some English exceptions. So use your spell checker like me a good dino which always gets deliberately red-lined unless me capitalizes Dino.
And that English language rule does not apply to German words. Just big time forget about it!
It’s ok, she’s his sister!
Another great bunch! Thanks!