Keeeeeeeeevvvvv! (and other fedgov-MMS propaganda rubbish)
Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"Almost as insufferable as the (it is not our) government sluicing billions of dollars of our money to the dictator of Ukraine is the way the capital of that frictious far-away country is superciliously enunciated by the so-called “elites” in government, as well as the “media” that is their PR firm.
They say keeeeeeevvvv rather than Kiev. The latter being the American English way to say it. Just as one says Paris – if one is an American English speaker – rather than Paree. To say it the latter way would be to adopt an affect – and people would look at you funny. Like Richard Simmons/Liberace funny.
But we’re supposed to take this Keeeeeeeevvv business seriously. That is, respectfully. Those who say it with an affect are educating us Deplorables how to say it properly. More finely, they are letting us know they know how to say it properly. And that we require them to elocute for our benefit.
It is also why Peking is now “Beijing” – and Turkey is “Turkii.” Though – interestingly – one never hears foreign elitists elocute Atlanta with the proper southern drawl. Supercilious affectations are a curiously native phenomenon.
One might say with more than a small measure of plausibility that this affectation is a manifestation of the loathing of the “elites” in the United States for the people of the United States."
"Almost as insufferable as the (it is not our) government sluicing billions of dollars of our money to the dictator of Ukraine is the way the capital of that frictious far-away country is superciliously enunciated by the so-called “elites” in government, as well as the “media” that is their PR firm.
They say keeeeeeevvvv rather than Kiev. The latter being the American English way to say it. Just as one says Paris – if one is an American English speaker – rather than Paree. To say it the latter way would be to adopt an affect – and people would look at you funny. Like Richard Simmons/Liberace funny.
But we’re supposed to take this Keeeeeeeevvv business seriously. That is, respectfully. Those who say it with an affect are educating us Deplorables how to say it properly. More finely, they are letting us know they know how to say it properly. And that we require them to elocute for our benefit.
It is also why Peking is now “Beijing” – and Turkey is “Turkii.” Though – interestingly – one never hears foreign elitists elocute Atlanta with the proper southern drawl. Supercilious affectations are a curiously native phenomenon.
One might say with more than a small measure of plausibility that this affectation is a manifestation of the loathing of the “elites” in the United States for the people of the United States."
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- 1Posted by $ Abaco 4 months, 3 weeks agoYeah. Funny. I say it the old way.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|