Can Trump Bring The US Empire Home?

Posted by freedomforall 1 week, 4 days ago to Politics
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"But this week’s contretemps at the Scranton munitions factory may be just what the doctor ordered to transform the Donald into the statesman who finally brought the Empire Home, and thereby at least slowed the nation’s headlong rush to fiscal Armageddon. That’s because for the Donald, policy positions are mainly a club to attack opponents and enemies.

So by coming to the ultra-swing state of Pennsylvania 40 days before what is likely to be the closest election in US history, Zelensky and his Deep State and military-industrial complex patrons have become the Donald’s mortal enemies. [as they are the mortal enemies of the American People]
no dominoes are destined to fall when the Washington War Party is forced once more to pack up the Empire and go home from the hideously misbegotten adventure in Ukraine. And by now it is deeply familiar with retreat, as in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and various lesser sites of previous imperial failure and humiliation.

Yet, hopefully, this time will be different. Perhaps this time a one-off defeat can be transformed into a history-making pivot away from Empire and the Warfare State to a renewal of America’s pre-1914 commitment to “no entangling alliances” and peaceful commerce with the rest of the world."

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 week, 3 days ago
    He must act swiftly and with great purpose if he gets in office. Last time he hogtied himself getting caught up making the mean tweets (which I may think are funny) in response to a leftist media that was very successful in baiting and distracting him (just like that last debate that I could only get through 90 seconds of). There are a lot of people who, themselves, know they belong in jail. Those are the ones who are fighting so hard to put a dolt party girl in office. He's got to act. He's got to demolish the dept. of education. Got to gut the NIH, the FDA and the CDC. Let's get the government back to what it's supposed to do: enforce contracts, fill potholes and secure the borders.
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    • Posted by 1 week, 3 days ago
      Private business can fill enforce contracts, potholes, and secure borders for less than half the cost of government thieves.
      Middle finger to all government programs not specifically authorized by name in the Constitution.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 1 week, 3 days ago
        Can't disagree. I'll never forget watching the news footage of the "anarchists" in Oregon filling potholes. They wore masks - and even though it was during the pandemic I don't think that's why they wore the masks. Pretty funny. They did a great job.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 6 days, 20 hours ago
      The Rats have done everything to stop him up to and including attempted assassination. (Twice, Three times?)
      Lawfare and bullets have not stopped him.
      His poll numbers and the betting circles have him winning.
      So whats left?
      Salt the fields and poison the wells.

      Our Republic is being run (Ruined) by Evil Satanic BassTruds.

      Up to now I have politely ignored the other side.
      Even engaged in polite discussion.
      No more mister nice guy.
      I'm going to rub their faces in it.

      > Ask them if the like our borders over-run with 30 million criminal aliens?
      Paying them $2,800 / month each in social security, housing, food, medical, phones.. it adds up to $100,000+ for each one. YOUR TAX MONEY
      And they get a driver's license so they can vote for the RATS.
      They bring drugs, diseases, weapons, and children that don't belong to them....

      > Ask if they like Endless wars?

      > Ask then if they like the Green New Scam? (And all that goes along with it)

      > Ask them if they like Live Birth Abortion? (legal in seven states)

      > Ask then if they like men in women sports? In your daughters school bathrooms? Chopping the bits off children bodies without even telling the parents?

      > Ask then how they like 28% inflation?

      > Ask them if they really expect Social Security is going to be their when they retire?

      The list is pretty much endless. But you get the picture.

      Life sucks under Demon Rat rule.
      Let them know you're made as hell and ain't going to take it any more

      Give them a piece of your damn mind.
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  • Posted by term2 4 days ago
    I hope Trump is elected. I think if he is, he will meet with Putin and work out a deal to end the Ukraine war. To Putin: You wanted security for Russia, and you thought this would be easy. It wasnt. You were just wrong to go at it this way. So was the USA to prolong the cold war against Russia. We SHOULD coexist with different ideas but without war. Lets leave here with a deal.
    To Zelensky: You arent going to have a country worth anything if this continues. There will be nothing left. The USA doesnt want to be part of this total destruction, and you cant fight Russia and win.
    To the USA: AS a country we made a mistake. Continuing NATO's expansion isnt really useful today. Cooperation is the watchword of today. The american people dont want war, and neither do the russian people. Time to end this.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 6 days, 23 hours ago
    To try to turn the wayback machine to an era where the US doesn't have or need any "foreign entanglements" is delusional. Even before the revolution, our customer base was in Europe, and we were shipping goods like indigo, tobacco, and cotton. That's what fed America's growth, so the well being of those customers was important to us.

    The US "foreign entanglements" have been a part of our history, despite George Washington's wishes. Isolationism was never part of our condition. We were more of a producer than a consumer, until after WW II.

    To put things in reverse and become more of a producer may be a fact of life, despite of who's in charge, because the demographics of today's producer countries can't keep their production up.

    What Trump should do is to use his skills as a deal-maker to bring an end to any hostilities we're currently involved in. Then he needs to tackle shrinking the size and reach of the federal government . That alone will help curb the profligate spending, but he also needs to end the outflow of American wealth to countries with no interest in our welfare, and concentrate more on helping the American people first.
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  • Posted by Lucky 1 week, 3 days ago
    To my mind David Stockman is right on some points but the putting down of Trump is misleading. Trump came into office with goodwill and trust, but the establishment let him down. Now, he knows the people and the game and will not be fooled so easily.

    Zelensky, yes a master salesman. He knows who are his customers, defense industry and politicians, he knows what they want, praise and kickbacks, and they have a lot of (other people's) money to hand out.

    Before Zelensky, the comedian penis piano player,
    before becoming leader he played the part in a TV series,
    Ukraine as an economy and nation was not great,
    had potential, but now it is far worse.

    Old Turkish proverb-
    When the clown enter the palace,
    he does not become a king,
    the palace becomes a circus
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    • Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 2 days ago
      I agree with you, Lucky. It's completely unfair to estimate Trump's character as this:
      "The Donald’s sole preoccupation and expertise all along has been the promotion of The Donald."

      Mr. Trump knew he would be at the mercy of every blowhard and diehard liberal/socialist/marxist in the MSM and other places in America. Yet he still faced the firing squad. His bluster is completely American; that is how we talk; we don't have time for the niceties.

      It has been his indomitable spirit in the face of these cheezy and unfair character assassinations that appeal to me, and to others.

      I don't vote, but that is how I feel about Trump.
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 6 days, 22 hours ago
    If Trump gets in (he won't; the fraudsters still have motive, means and opportunity) I'll be satisfied if he doesn't get us into any new wars and keeps Congress too busy fighting with him to do any further damage. Just being a lightning rod makes him a better President than any in my lifetime.
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    • Posted by term2 4 days ago
      Trump was a great president, and will do even better when re elected. Now, he understands the deep state and better knows how to fight it. The deep state isnt what the USA needs at all. It is promoting ITSELF, not our country.
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