So the Economy Now Depends on Stocks [Prices Increasing] Which Depends on Front-Running the Fed. - And In What Twilight Zone Is This A Good Thing For Those Who Actually Produce Something Tangible?
Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Economics
"So the entire economy depends on the stock market going up as punters front-run the Fed--and this is not only fine, it's optimal, the best arrangement the world has ever seen. On which ethereal plane is this considered sane, much less optimal?
That the real-world economy--a neofeudal confection featuring a parasitic, predatory Nobility vacuuming up virtually all the gains of the Everything Bubble while the bottom 80% stumble along in debt-serfdom, resigned to serving the top 10% who own 90% of the assets bubbling higher--is teetering on the precipice, clinging to the wealth effect of soaring assets, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, for its lifeline is, well, insane.
Speaking of gaslighting--how many people do you know who call this arrangement by its real name, neofeudalism? "
D.C. is utterly corrupt, controlled by warmonger banksters. NIFO
"So the entire economy depends on the stock market going up as punters front-run the Fed--and this is not only fine, it's optimal, the best arrangement the world has ever seen. On which ethereal plane is this considered sane, much less optimal?
That the real-world economy--a neofeudal confection featuring a parasitic, predatory Nobility vacuuming up virtually all the gains of the Everything Bubble while the bottom 80% stumble along in debt-serfdom, resigned to serving the top 10% who own 90% of the assets bubbling higher--is teetering on the precipice, clinging to the wealth effect of soaring assets, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, for its lifeline is, well, insane.
Speaking of gaslighting--how many people do you know who call this arrangement by its real name, neofeudalism? "
D.C. is utterly corrupt, controlled by warmonger banksters. NIFO
but it shows a lot of what is wrong with this nation/world
people that that just moving money around matters
produce something that someone needs, like food, no one thinks that is important, it can be imported.
until the transportation system fails