The Deep State is Global
The Global Deep State is the wider Administrative State plus all the academia, think tanks, media, corporations, NGOs, and supranational organizations that outwardly and unanimously support a single philosophy as a cloak to entrench their elite status and extend their reach and power.
"...As long as some human beings yearn for undeserved power, they will look for ways to get it. Even a republic with a strong constitution needs an educated citizenry to be eternally vigilant against such abuses of power."
If we survive the Deep State, we need to hugely ramp up the quality of education here in the US, and Americans need to understand that FREEDOM ISN"T FREE. It indeed requires eternal vigilence, which can only stand on solid, honest education. Not what we have now, which is propaganda and indoctrination.
You should learn how not to speak in generalities. Do you lack the suppositions of specifics? Obamma was the same way, referring for example, to 'core values'. I asked him to give me an example---I had never heard the phrase 'core values'---and after a considerable amount of time, he came up with something like Americans are hard workers. I guess hard work is a core value with Americans. But that's about all he could come up with.
What does that mean, exactly? F.O.
Perhaps Mr. Vinay is trying to deflect suspicion from financial agents such as BlackRock.
You're certainly not. In fact, you have put yourself on the radar, though you may not have been previously.
My recommendation to you? Study English history, particularly that of the Anglo-Saxons.
A common behavior, is it an attempt at common ground with enemies? If so, it does not work.
How does that function, do you know? Or did I miss it? Because I INCLUDE these financial intermediaries as members of the Global Deep State.
And by the way, because trade, commerce and financing IS multi-national, as is most Marxist ideologies, the Deep State, must of necessity be a Global Deep State.
I agree that the DS must be a GDS, but many commentators do not recognize this.
His essays in "Harper's Weekly" at the end of 1913, just prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve the next year, were collected into a small book called "Other Peoples' Money, and How the Bankers Use It". You can access it on Internet Archive. It is prefaced by Norman Hapgood, writer, journalist and Minister to Denmark.
Keep in mind it was published over a hundred years ago and since then advances in technology has made the promulgation of financing and the attendant publication of misinformation in the press an even greater advantage for the concentration of power.
Remember, money is a power tool. And those with the money will have, and want, more power.
I'm not sure what you mean by an 'administrative state'. This cabal is not even close to being a 'state'. What happens is that the various 'states' under their control act for them. As Obamma has done. And that is only one example.
But again, this is only part of it. I think though that the 'structure' is in part similar to that. And it's why I put Black Rock and other wealthy financial funds in the thick of it.
The Dems are. Trump isn't. Some of the GOP are.
In fact, the founding and forming of America (i.e., the United States of America) is purely an English endeavor. It will not be changed, though perhaps with the coming of vast amounts of migrants, some may have thought to change it.
A correct understanding of the events of the past is necessary to understand how mankind got to the present. And only by knowing how we came to the present, can we know where we are going.
Medieval European historians, as well as other Europeans, were aware of that. You do not seem to be.