Making Cars – and Trucks – Affordable Again

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Donald Trump’s promise to make American Great Again could easily be delivered on by making cars – and trucks – affordable again. The word “easily” is italicized because it could be just that. Because affordable cars – and trucks – are already being made.

It is merely a matter of allowing them to be sold.

Here, that is.

For instance, the 2024 Toyota HiLux Champ. It is a basic – a stripped down – version of the Tacoma pickup Toyota is allowed to sell here that stickers for $31,500 to start. The HiLux Champ stickers for about $13k to start. But Toyota is not allowed to sell it here.

There are several reasons why the HiLux only costs about a third as much as a Tacoma, including that it does not come standard with a turbocharged four cylinder engine augmented by a hybrid tandem drivetrain – or an automatic transmission. It comes standard with a manual transmission. And it’s available with a diesel engine. Neither of which are available in the 2024 Tacoma Americans are allowed to buy.

But there is only one reason why the Champ is not legal to sell here:

It is not compliant."
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I wonder if the HiLux would sell here? Personally I would love for some "stripped down" options in the car marketplace. But I am in the very small minority (it seems) that actually likes to drive. I like to shift my own gears. I can lock my own doors. I actually look around me and decide where to go, rather than letting the phone or car tell me. Sometimes I take the long way because it's more interesting or less crowded.

    But most people I see on the road apparently want their 4-ton behemoth to drive itself to wherever they are going, while they are busy checking facebook.
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